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Tuesday 5 May 1917
Another cloudy chilly day. Samy & Joe here
dig drench, dinner here to. Maurice Maloney
here too. ate supper. V finished shearing sheep
25 all together beside 33 lambs. R walked home
after dinner.

Wednesday 6th May 1917
A very fine day. Trees beautifully green with
leaves and bloom. I think this is the very
tug of life. Emma cleaning my bed room and
four men here to cook for and intending to go
to Kingston tomorrow and going to have a
bee to draw stone Friday. Received a letter from
June King saying Ethel very sick. Emma
received a letter from Reginald. Received every
womans World Farmers Magazine for Joe and Samy
here to dinner also Maurice. Samy got cramps.
V gave him phosphates. Joe & Maurice here to supper.
Samy went home. Emma done big days work papering
my bed room, baked bread and an apple
pie for tomorrow dinner.

Thursday 7 May 1917
Arose early. V. & Emma gone to town. Emma
carrying eggs. V carrying wool. Weather warm every
thing growing; apple trees full in bloom or nearly so,
river still not a ripple. Cloudy misty. One flash of
lightning only came to brighten my bed room. I didnt
sleep well. Awake all night and now I'm so
sleepy, I can scarcely hold open my eyes. Maurice helps
milk and drives to dock and factory, then chops some
wood. Edith got dinner and supper. Maurice, Joe
and Samy here to their meeals. Maurice drove to dock
for V &E. R came over and (washed) rode back with Maurice.
A hot day. A beaufiful day.

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