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Tuesday 4th July 1917 [Wednesday]
A fine breezy day, wind South I guess.
Voltie not going to get much help to day.
Only Maurice, Will Niles and Wm Gillespie.
Will staid all night R. He is here now.
10 am chopping wood for Emma to get dinner.
V is anxious to get the barn done but
in order to get the concrete work done, V will
have to get help by conscription, as tis trying to
be done to finish the war or V's barn and
the war will linger along till another year.
I think there are different kinds of "Shirkers".
Not only shirkers but disobliging and selfish.

The neighbors have been good to V by
coming to his bee two of them. Last winter
they turned out and drew lumber from Kingston
and then to the stone bee. Yes they were good
and neighborly

Wednesday 5th July 1917
A hot day. Maurice leaves early after dressing all
fine, shaving and goes over to Dora's to take Edith Bates
to the 4th of July dance at St Lawrence corners
in Dora's motor boat. Will Niles takes Jones; the
other half dozen Emma, Langley, Moore have
no particular escort but agreed to all go in Company
in two motors. Emma, Miss Langley and Miss Moore, Miss Jones,
Joe, Samy, Will N, Sheridan and Tom Maloney. All
returned at day light; had a great enjoyable time.
Over two hundred guest attended the ball. Broke
or bursted a tire coming home. Maurice took
Edith back around the foot to Hallidays again. Voltie
expected Maurice back very early but he didnt come
at all staid over there courting. V paid the
men all off and dismissed them till after harvest
for the concrete work is done. A strawberry festival
above the Villiage. Emma went with Jacks family in auto
which makes two nights off for Emma

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