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Sunday 8 July 1917
A fine morning; still, no wind but
soon breezes up. A picknic over in State
park. Samy and Joe go to the picnic. Will takes
the oppertunity [sic] to go across with them in Volties
skiff. Edith goes to church to hear the new
preacher his first sermon in this church.
Howard came up but didnt go to church
but staid here to supper and Rachel also
the Cheesemaker & John & Sadie Murray here
in evening. had greens and strawberries
for dinner.

Monday 10 July 1917
A cool cloudy morning - looks like rain. Voltie arose
very early. Emma helped milk. Voltie drove to factory
not back yet. Every thing growing beautifully
yet rain is badly needed, weeds are growing
finely. Edith went over to Rachels to
wash to pay for a pair of stockings when
she got there she found R had neither
kerosine nor wood. I tried for her
not to go. Edith wont mind me at all.
I can neither coax nor hire her to do
any thing for me nor any one else without
"the spirit moves". Voltie working in shop
this rainy day. He picked 4 boxes of berries
before it began raining. Emma picked them
over. I dont know when they will be canned
if ever. rain rain rain. We received a letter
from Grace also one from Maud mighty glad
to get them. She didnt say anything about
John this time nor Lawe.

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