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look very clear and white after such a
rain soaking. Sent by Voltie a letter to
Grace and one to Maude which he will mail
in Kingston. Emma sent a letter to Sylvia
and one to Reginald. Voltie carried the pork
to Kingston. 20 cts per lb came to over $30 dollars.
Emma drove to dock for Voltie. Voltie brought me a
pair of stockings and 4 spools of white silkateen.
We had bananas for supper.

Friday 14 July 1917
A very fine day. sprinkles of rain, not much
but clouds again towards evening. Voltie cultivates
corn. E & E pull weeds in garden. Edith wheels
them away in wheelbarrow, 12 boxes of berries
which we prepare for canning. V hives 4 swarms
of bees. The meadows and pasture are covered
with millions of clover blossom sesike and comon
white clover. Aunt R came over to breakfast
she's no wood nor coal nor oil, wouldnt
stay to dinner, gave her berries and bananas. Emma
received letter from Reginald and snap shots. V went
up the farrow row root potatoes

Saturday 15 July 1917
A warm day. Wind South light breeze, light
fluffy clouds at noon. Sunshineing clear at
4 pm. Bees out again a great swarming
time. V tried to cultivate canned strawberries
but so many things do hinder. Voltie hardly
what to do first. Emma weeded the scarlet runners
and string them up to the chamber window,
cleaned my bed room and pantry and
kitchen, swept and made beds. V & Samy & Joe went to corners at
sunset came back at 1 am, bought shoes and pants for self, some candy and kerosine 6
galons for me and 6 for R.

Sunday 16th July 1917
A very fine morning. V going over to State Park
for Will. Will going to help Voltie about the
haying. R came over ate breakfast and went
home again carrying berries, milk and kerosine.

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