ache on account of a cold, received
a letter from Margaret for her ma is busy
sewing and couldnt get time to write a letter.
Tuesday 17 July 1917
A beautiful morning dew tis sparkling on
grass and every thing. Voltie mowing hay but
tis a very warm day. Emma made Lemonade
and raked in hay field in pm. Edith
picked some more strawberries says they are
nearly done for this season, not a breath of
air stirring on the river. It is cloudy at 5 pm
and looks like rain. E still setting supper; baking
cake. The atmosphere still hot close and uncomfortable.
E swept veranda and washed dinner dishes.
Edith McDonald & Samy here in evening.
Emma sits up again to bake bread. Voltie
cacked hay till dark
Wednesday 18 July 1917
Another hot day, light breeze from South,
atmosphere hazy. I try to work around at dishes &
straightening things but cant for my feet are so
lame and hurts me so to get around. Oh how
every one that can walk all right, should be so glad
and happy and make the most of their own time.
O save it! save it! Save time every minute. I
suppose the hens, this very minute are rosting
scratching the potatoes out the grains. I think if I
were in Volties place, I'd give up keeping hens till
could have a good hen proof fence around the
garden. The time that is wasted chasing hens &
hogs, if employed for hire (wages) would
buy and build enough hen wire to fence a doz acres.
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