Friday 20 July 1917
Another hot day. V mowing. Emma
raking. Edith went to goose point for
wood. Went with wheel barrow. Work in house
moves slow. tried cooking beans and peas
both hard like shot, and tasteless only salt
predominates. no pies, no cakes, no cookies,
no kind of sauce. Best thing on the table
and only thing realy palatable, was some
lettuce. The Wind is South and breezy.
Cooking is an art not hard to learn, and one
of the most beautiful. I know there is one
very important thing, it is never utilized
to advantage; to many pots pans and kettles
stuck on the stove nearly all the time.
Now tis after dinner. I dont think there there
is a drop of dish water; no sound of
clattering work; the wheels of the household
machinery are silent. There is a pan of rhubarb stewing
on the stove and there it will stand and may
for ever I noticing or speaking of it again.
While V was bee hiving 3 swarms a call from
Robert G, Watertown wanting V to meet him at
the Cape this pm at 6 Oclock. V cant go
and leave his work but told him to come to Vans
Sunday. get Bert to bring them & V will go for them.
This is the day I found the dish of filth left by one
of our guests. The queer thing about it I found it on the
cabinet. I ventured and walked to the
barn, passed between the shop and old cow
stable. Saw the new barn what there is of the finished
concrete. Saw Ogle washing his buggy at river,
he came to the house and asked for the girls to go driving
with him to the foot; didnt go. Went home to his boarding
place at 10 pm. Flashes of lightning off in S.E.
and thunder but didnt come here.
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