


Status: Indexed

December 4th Monday 1916 [written as an insert in top left corner]
mended V's over alls.
mended V's vest.
Wrote a letter to Grace
5 braided rug
6 set up a new crochet pattern
mended my petticoat

Sunday 29
A warm day. Ogle came
early and drove
over to Hallidays
where they staid all
day till 8 Oclock pm

They found Maurice M there courting.
Will Niles is courting to Louise nurse
Miss Olive Jones and so the courting proceeds.
Will and Lena came over a little before dark.
Bert went across in same skiff, going
to Watertown. Law suit tomorrow with Hubert
about an old automobile.

Monday 30 July 1917
A very warm or hot day but breezy, river
rough. Will and Voltie working in field
mowing, raking and cocking. We had
a grand fight here to day between Edith
and Robert. There was no broken bones
nor bloody noses but a rough and tumble
scrap which was fierce while it lasted. Lena came over
from R's, staid till bed time. noice confusion, piano playing
and dancing in evening. Samy Woodhouse here. Hubert Bamford
& Bert Smiths law suit comes off to day.
We looked for B and Grace &
kids last night but didnt come. All dancing in evening.

Tuesday 31 July 1917
A very hot morning which promises a hotter
day. V gone to factory. Will came early.
Every thing at a stand still. Hubert fell down
Stairs this morning. Last of this month. The summer
is going; in a little while it will be gone. This is
the hottest day I ever saw. E, E, Robert & Miriam
all in bathing. We have been looking for Bert
and Grace & family.

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