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Saturday 19 Aug 1917
A fine day after yesterday rain. Wind South
and blowing quite strong. Voltie bringing oats
or wheat. Willie Watson working to day for Joe, Will D
went fishing, trolling. Went away down around foot of isle
caught two nice pike which he intends to take home
with him tomorrow. E & E going with him.

Evening V & Will Watson & Samy going to corners. I
didn't want Voltie to go so dark and windy. He
didn't go. Wm & Samy went. V sent by Joe for butter.
12 midnight when they returned. Joe brought the

Sunday 20 August 1917
Not a very pleasant day to go visiting by
rowing skiff across the river and then driving 10 miles
but they went. Will, Emma and Edith though it rained
some when they started. The boat down at "Smith"
place, or lower boat house. Will hired a rig of
Eliza Reasoner. they returned before sunset well
pleased with the visit. The pm was fine, clouds all
gone, sun shining, no wind. Rachel came over
in a bluster because no one had told her that they
had not gone. V washed breakfast dishes. V &
R got the dinner. R washed dishes & towards
night went home. Then came Laura Babcock.
Will Niles soon came. Will D, Emma and Edith
also came. Ogle. Will D brought Limburg cheese 2
bricks. Louise sent me a book , "Tess of the Storm
Country" gave Edith red Liste thread, stockings and red
ribons. Nearly forgot to say, after dinner, Willie Watson
packed his budget and went to the villiage, Samy Woodman
driving there with Willie.

Monday 21st Aug 1917
Monday is generally speaking the dullest day in the
week especialy in door. The men's work goes on
all night. I forgot what day V sold R's heifer 51$
for her.

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