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Tuesday 22 August 1917
A fine day tho a bit cooler. Men working in field.
Emma brought in and boiled corn for dinner, the
first this year and our first ripe tomatoes.

Wednesday 28 August 1917
A hot half cloudy day after the electric
storm of last night. Not much with the
lightning storm. this is one day to early; finished
binding and drew hay ; the last of hay. George McKay
came took V's boat and went to the corners for
overalls, shirts, socks, etc. He is going to Manitoba
on excursion. Then came Ogle te Bogle to take
Emma for a drive out. If he was not a very ignorant
he wouldnt come so often. A letter from Grace, a card from Reginald.

24 August 1917 Thursday
Now what I've writen
for yesterday, Wednesday, should stand for
this day. I wrote a letter to Louise. Van came over awhile
so I will let T stand. V and Will working
in field; grain all bound ready to draw, if the rain
had not wet it down last night. boiled corn
for dinner. V paid Rachel 5 dollars that he borrowed
from her one evening when he, Joe & Sam went to corners.
V sold the sheep for $490,50. Laura Babeoelt here awhile.

Thursday 24 Aug 1917
A very good morning. to wet to draw grain. I did not
know R was going to Kingston. I wanted
yes Oh! I wanted to send by her to get croched [sic]
silkatine! I almost hope, that every one for
their mean thoughtless carelessness will be disaproved

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