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as I am. Oh! Oh! my best days are gone
and I am often overtooked altogether.
it is not because of age, but for the very reason
that I cant walk without painfullness. I went
to walk. I dream I can walk, can run,
I didnt know George McKay was going
to corners. Could have sent by him.
I'd like to go to Kingston once more or
somewhere! V sent for groceries and
things but I didnt know. I hope it wont
rain any more till after harvest. but think
it will; rained nearly all last night and
looks like rain now. Weather warm, Wind
blowing a stiff breeze from South. river rough.
Every thing lovely after the rain. I was to send
by Rachel for thread, pins and needles. Dont
hear from John any more and from my
first born son never. The dead are soon
forgoten. and old ma's neglected, especialy
those that cant walk. Just received the same
old weeklies, Farmer advocate, Farm & Dairy,
Canadian Countryman. The three combined
dont amount to shucks. no one reads them.
The house is just littered with them. $3,50 cts
given to the publishers without any benefit derived
from them to this family. Also received a
notice from Macleans Magazine for renewal, a card
from Miriam, a letter to Emma from Maud,
wherein Maud says Bert has got to go to war
and so the World wags on, Turns over every day ever
bringing R. Changes of some sort. Voltie and Will
hewing timber for barn. Voltie says Babe
the beautiful Babe has killed nearly all
our chickens.

Saturdy 25
The river is wild. Oh how the wind blows.
V & W hewing timber for barn. Rachel came over
to dinner & not not very well. Emma done usual
Saturday work. I have commenced a hit or miss quilt

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