





Telegraphic Address Beaver - Stock - London

Telephone London Wall 5506

Hudson's Bay Company. Incorporated 2nd May 1670 Hudson's Bay House London - E - C - 2

Oct. 26/1937

Dear Lord Tweedsmuir,

Thank you very much for your letter which reached me this morning and for the copy of Augustus which reached me last Saturday night. I am simply enthusiastic about it and I especially enjoyed the constitutional part which sets down so clearly what so far had only been described in almost uncomprehensible prose by other historians. I certainly had not foreseen the American interpretation of your book. I hope they will not think that under the excuse of Augustus you presented them with a study of President Roosevelt and his administration or that like Machiavelli in his Prince you wrote it in order to show them the dictator's progress. I must say that I was incredibly

Last edit 9 months ago by ubuchan


amused by your quotation of an American advertisement of 'Augustus'. What you tell me about my going to be employed the H.B.C. for a long time is most pleasing. I believe I shall be seeing Sir Campbell Stuart about it early in November. Alexander went over to Rome, i.e. he was christened on Saturday before last in Henley and seems to be growing every day. My aunt has told me that she intends to finance his education which certainly takes a great load off my chest. I am expecting Johnnie here at any moment and I am much looking forward to be working in the same office with him. Billy I haven't seen nor have ^ I got his address. Alistair I hope to see when I go to Oxford. I understand Mrs. Grosvenor is on the way to Canada and I shall be grateful if you will remember me to her and to Lady Tweedsmuir. I do so much hope you are very well and that the papers reports about your health were most exaggerated and unreliable. With all best wishes

Ever yrs. sincerely Roberto [Weiss]

Last edit 9 months ago by ubuchan
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