Jean Baptiste Brouault & Elizabeth Macdonald, York (24 Aug. 1811)
FRANCIS GORE, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Upper Canada, &c &c &c
WHEREAS His Majesty has been graciously pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Great Britain, to authorize me to grant Licences for the due solemnization of Marriage, and whereas Jean Baptiste Brouault Batchelor and Elizabeth Macdonald Spinster
are determined to enter into the Holy Banns of Matrimony, and are desirous of having their Marriage publicly solemnized ; in order that such their honest desires may the more speedily have their due effect, and that they may be able to procure the same to be lawfully solemnized without Publication of Banns, I do hereby, for good causes, give and grant this Licence or Faculty, as well to them the said parties contracting. as to all or every Parson or Minister, duly ordained, and lawfully exercising his Ministry within the said Province of Upper Canada, to solemnize and perform the same ; provided always, that by reason of any affinity, consanguinity, pre-contract, or any other lawful cause, there be no legal impediment in this behalf ; otherwise, if any fraud shall appear to bave been committed at the time of granting this Licence, either by false suggestions or concealment of the truth, that then this Licence shall be nuil and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever.
GIVEN under my Hand and Privy Seal of Office, at York, this Twenty first day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Eleven and of his Majesty’s Reign the Fifty First named York Lt Governor 25 August
By His Excellency's command, Wm Halton Secretary
Verso-Jean Baptiste Brouault & Elizabeth Macdonald, at York (24 Aug. 1811)
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Daniel Wright & Charlotte Smith, York (24 Feb. 1817)
No 68
FRANCIS GORE EsQUIRE, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Upper Canada &c. &c. &c.
Whereas His Majesty has been graciously pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Great Britain to authorise me to grant Licences for the solemnization of Marriage, and whereas Daniel Wright, Batchelor and Charlotte Smith, Spinster are determined to enter intó the Holy Banns of Matrimony, and are desirous of having their Marriage publicly solemnized ; in order that such their honest desires may the more speedily have their due effect, and that they may be able to procure the same to be lawfully solemnized without publication of Banns, I do hereby for good causes, give and grant this Licence or Faculty, as well to them the said parties contracting, as to all ot every Person or Minister, duly ordained, and lawfully exercising his Ministry within the said Province of Upper Canada, to solemnize and perform the same; provided always that by reason of any affinity, consanguinity, precontract or any other lawful cause, there be no legal impediment in this behalf, otherwise, if any fraud shall appear to have been committed at the time of granting this Licence either by false suggestions or concealment of the truth, that then this Licence shall be null and void to all intents and purposes whotsoever.
GIVEN under my Hand and Seal at Arms at York this Twenty fourth day of February in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen fiftyseven and of His Majesty's Reign the
Francis Gore Lt. Governor
By His Excellency's Command Edw MacMahon A Secty
Verso-Daniel Wright & Charlotte Smith, York (24 Feb. 1817)
1817 No 68
By the Rev Robt MacDonald
James Hunter, Montreal & Marcella Grant, Longueil (3 Sept. 1835)
Know all Men by these Presents, that We John Buchanan of Longeuil in the District of Ottawa, Esquire and Roderick McKenzie of the same place Gentlemen
Are jointly and severally held and firmly bound unto our Sovereign Lord the King in the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds, lawful Currency of the Province aforesaid, to be paid unto our said Lord the King, or His Heirs and Successors; for which payment well and truly to be made, We bind ourselves, our and each of our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents, Sealed with our Seals, at Longueil, in the Ottawa District and Province aforesaid, Third day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty five.
The Condition of this Obligation is such, that whereas a License of Marriage has this day issued from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of the said Province of Upper Canada, for the purpose of joining together in Holy Matrimony
Francis Hunter of the City of Montreal, Esquire Merchant and Marcella Grant daughter of The Honorable Alex Grant of Longueil, Spinster
Now if it shall appear that there is no affinity, consanguinity, pre-contract, or any other lawful cause or impediment, to hinder their being so joined together, as aforesaid, then this obligation to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
Signed, Sealed, and Delivered, in presence of John Buchanan
Chs P [Niadwill]