



Status: Complete


[left part of page blackened]

Committee was compelled to announce a debit instead of
.. credit balance, amounting to $381.87. a countervailing
.. n in the report was a larger grant from the
General Assembly than the year before by $86.61, the
.. l being $3,265.13. And another gratifying item was a
..d increase in the fees of the session.

..the growth of the Institution up-keep mounted.
..ry year salaries called for revision. Tentative in Research deserved encouragement, but
.. the outlay was as yet small. Investments were gone
.. carefully, arrears on mortgages, amounts due,
.. properties taken over all noted, and any
..essary action authorised.

J.A Petrie, B.A, was appointed Fellow and Tutor in
..rew and Prof. Macnaughton was thanked for valuable
.. services which he had rendered during the past
..ion, and a modest honorarium ($100) granted in
..nition of the same.

..he course of the year Principal Gordon announced
.. a letter from Sir Gilbert Parker, M.P, informed
.. of that generous donor's intention to send out
.. England an additional number of famous
.. traits to the University, for which Sir Gilbert was
..mly thanked, as also for his kindly and continued in the welfare of the University. This is a


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I have transcribed what I could see so some of the words are not fully there at the beginning of all sentences.