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A meeting of the subscribers towards the
foundation of a Women's Medical College in
Kingston for the purpose of organization was
held in the City Hall on 25th June 1883.

Mr. Wm Harty was asked to take the

Moved by A. P. Knight seconded by R. V. Rogers
That there shall be fourteen provisional trustees
of the Kingston Women's Medical College, at
least five of whom shall be ladies [underline] Carried [/underline]

Moved by Dr. Grant and seconded by E. J. B.
Pense. That it shall be the duty of the
provisional trustees to appoint their own
Officers and also a staff for the said College,
to obtain incorporation and attend to all
other matters connected with the organization
of the Institution that may be found necessary.
[underline] Carried [/underline]

Moved by Mr R. V. Rogers and seconded by
Mr Rose that the meeting now proceed to ballot
for Provisional Trustees and that Messrs
Knight and Pense be appointed to act as
scrutineers for the purposes of the ballot.
[underline] Carried [/underline]

After counting the ballots the following were
declared Elected Provisional Trustees.

A. P. Knight, J. Carruthers, E. J. B. Pense, H Folger,
Hon G A Kirkpatrick Sir R J. Cartwright,
W Harty A Green, R. V. Rogers, Mrs Wm Trout
Mrs Britton, Mrs W. Harty, Mrs Dickson and
Miss Gildersleeve

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