to the Royal College excepting as regards
to registration fees.
Resolved that a certificate accompany
the payment of Scholarships when presented
to successful competitors at the close of
the session.
Resolved that Mr Wm Harty,
Mr RV Rogers and the Registrar be a
Committee to meet the resident Trustees
of Queens College regarding affiliation
and that a copy of Dr Grant's proposed terms
of affiliation be placed upon record
as follows
February 21st 1884. The Principal
met with Mr Knight who submitted.
The Charter of the Kingston Ladies
Medical College given under the "Act
respecting the Incorporation of Joint Stock
Companies by Letters Patent".
The following By laws suggested as term
of affiliation:
First That the Registrar of the Kingston
L.M. College shall send in not later
than 1st April of each year to the Registrar
of the University a complete list of the
Students who have attended lectures during
the Session and shall also forward therewith
to the Registrar of the University the fee of
one dollar for each Student. In consideration
of said fee the list of Students shall be
published annually on the Calendar of the
University as under Graduates in Medicine
of the University along with the names
of the Professors of the Kingston Ladies
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