A Meeting of the Trustees of the Women's
Medical College, Kingston, was held in the
Whig Editorial Rooms at 4 P.M. on
16th May 1885.
Present Mrs Dickson, Mrs Harty,
Miss Gildersleeve, Messrs RV Rogers, H Folger,
EJB Pense and AP Knight in
the absence of chairman & Vice chairman
EJB Pense was appointed Chairman pro tem.
Minutes of last meeting were
read, approved and signed
The Treasurer presented a Statement
showing a balance on hand of $368.69
Ordered that Mr McArthur be
paid a salary of fifty dollars ($50.00) for
the current year 1884/85.
Dr Lavell having tendered his
resignation as lecturer on Obstetrics
it was accepted.
Moved by AP Knight and seconded
by H Folger that the Board place upon
record their sense of the loss which
the College has sustained in the resignation
of Dr Lavell as lecturer in Obstetrics
and tender him their warmest thanks for
the ernest, energetic, and successful manner
in which he has performed the duties of
his professorship, carried.
Ordered that Dr Alice Mcgillivray
be appointed Professor of Obstetrics in
place of Dr Lavell resigned and that
in addition to her duties as lecturer Obstetrics
she have the superintendence of Practical
Anatomy. Salary to be $300.00
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