



Status: Indexed


The Fourth Annual Meeting of the Subscribers
of the Women's Medical College was held on
Thursday the 2nd December 1886 at 3 o'Clock
in the afternoon in the City Council Chambers
when the following subscribers were present.

Mrs Macnee, Mrs Skinner, Mrs Dickson,
Miss Gildersleeve, Dr Anne Dickson, Dr
Alice McGillivray, Messrs EJB Pense, AP Knight
RM Rose, E Chown, RV Rogers, Wm Harty,
Dr Lavell and the Treasurer.

RV Rogers Esq was appointed
Chairman pro tem in the absence of Chairman
and Vice chairman.

The minutes of the last
annual meeting were read, approved
and signed

The Treasurers statement of Revenue
and Expenditure for the year ending 31st
May 1886 ws read showing a balance
on hand of $657.04 also a
statement to 1st December 1886
showing a balance on hand of $1221.91

Mr Harty was authorized to see
Messrs McKelvey and Birch regarding the defective
heating of the Rooms in connection with
the College.

Mr Harty moved the adoption
of the Treasurers Statement, seconded
by Mr E Chown. carried.

Voting was then proceeded with for the
Election of Trustees for the ensuing year and
resulted in the Relection of the last years Board
of Trustees. The meeting then adjourned.

RJ Cartwright, Chair

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