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A Meeting of the Trustees of Women's
Medical College was held immediately
after the Annual Meeting of Subscribers
on the first of December 1887.

Sir RJ Cartwright was
unanimously elected Chairman and
Wm Harty Esq Vice Chairman.
Dr Knight was re-elected
Registrar and Mr A McArthur Treasurer.

Moved by Mr Pense seconded by
Mrs Britton that the Dean, Mr
Harty, Mr Rogers, Dr Knight,
and Dr McGillvray be a Committee
to consider the Dean's proposition
to establish a Hospital in connection
with the College.

Ordered that Twenty four dollars be
paid to Miss Gildersleeve being nominal
rent of premises for Dispensary

Ordered that the sum of Twenty
dollars be placed to the Credit of the
Dispensry Committee to be used as the
Committee may judge best.

A Communication was received from
the students of the second year and
referred to the Dean for investigation
and report.

Resolved that the Vice Chairman
be authorized to consider and if he
think necessary to order that Gas
be placed in the College Rooms

The Board then adjourned.

Wm Harty

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