



Status: Indexed


The Seventh Annual Meeting of
Subscribers to the funds of Womens
Medical was adjourned from Thursday
5th Dec 1889 to Monday the 16th
Decr 1889 and was held in the City
Council Chamber at 4.30 o'clock PM

There were present the following
subscribers, Hon Geo A Kirkpatrick,
MH Folger, Esq., RV Rogers, EJB
Pense, LB Spencer, E Chown, Dr Knight,
Dr Lavell, Mrs Macnee and Miss

The minutes of the last Annual
Meeting were read and signed.

The meeting then proceeded
to consider the question of erecting
a New Building when it was
moved, seconded and carried that
Miss Gildersleeve be requested to
canvass for subscriptons towards
erecting a New building.

Moved that this meeting
adjourn until Tuesday the 7th
January 1890 in order to receive
Miss Gildersleeve's report.

The Adjourned Annual Meeting
of the Subscribers called by public
advertisement was held on Monday
the 17th March 1890 in the City
Council Chamber at 4 o'clock afternoon
Present Messrs Rogers, Pense, Chown,
Knight, Dr Lavell, Mrs Macnee
Miss Gildersleeve and the Treasurer.

The Minutes of last annual meeting were


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