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read approved and signed.

The voting for the Trustees for the
ensuing year resulted in
the Election of the following, viz
HA Calvin, Dr Lavell, Hon Geo A
Kirkpatrick, JB Carruthers, Jas Swift,
RV Rogers, EJB Pense, MA
Folger, Dr Knight, E Chown
Mrs Trout, Mrs Macnee, Mrs Dickson,
Mr Hendry, Miss Gildersleeve

Moved by Miss Gildersleeve seconded
by Mr Pense that the House and Lot
on Union Street owned by Mr and Mrs
HL Wilson be purchased for a College
at the price not exceeding Five Thousand dollars
($5000) and that Two Thousand dollars
($2000) at once be placed to the credit
of the President and Secretary as
Trustees for the Purchase, carried

Resolved that Mr Pense, Dr Knight,
and Dr Lavell be requested to convene
a meeting of the faculty at the 22nd
of March and endeavour to arrange for
payment of Salaries half cash & half
stock for session just closed. The
meeting then adjourned.

R Vashon Rogers

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