A Meeting of the Trustees of Women Medical
College was held immediately after the
adjourned annual meeting on the
17th March 1890
Mr RV Rogers was unanimously
elected Chairman & Mr EJB Pense Vice Chairman
Moved by Mrs Macnee & seconded
by Miss Gildersleeve that the resignation
of Dr Lavell be accepted as Dean of
Faculty and that the Board place upon
record its appreciation of the valuable
and self sacrificing services which he has
rendered the College since its foundaiton
Resolved that the position of Dean
of the Womens Medical College be offered to
the Hon Dr Sullivan
Sir RJ Cartwright and Mr Wm
Harty having tendered their resignations as
Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively
of the Board, it was unanimously
resolved that the Trustees place upon
the minutes a record of its appreciawtion
of the important services rendered
the College by these gentlemen
Resolved that in order to
encoourage Ladies enter the Foreign
Mission field in connection with the
various religious bodies, the Board
resolve hereafter to admit lady Missionary
students to lectures for 2/3 of the
regular fees with the exception of those
preregistration and examination each
applicant for the induction to furnish
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