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A Special Meeting of the Trustees of
WomensMedical College was held in
the City Council Chamber on 31st March
1890 at 4 o'clock afternoon.

Present RV Rogers, Chairman,
EJB Pense, Dr AP Knight, E Chown,
Mrs Macnee and Miss Gildersleeve

The minutes of the last meeting
were read approved and signed

Resolved that Mrs Dr McGillivray
be paid one hundred and fifty dollars
in cash and that her subscription
of one hundred and fifty dollars be
cancelled in satisfaction of the
additional salary of one hundred
and fifty dollars claimed for the
session of 1889/90 just closed
and that this offer be without predjudice.

Mr Pense and Dr Knight reported
that they had attended a meeting of the
Faculty and that the Professors who
were present, Drs Sullivan, Fenwick,
Irwin, Livingston, Alice McGillivray &
Phelan, agreed to accept half their
salary in cash and half stock for
the past session 1889/90. Mrs
Smith Shortt sent a letter saying
she would do as the majority did
in the matter, the Hon Dr Sullivan
accepted the Deanship of the Faculty

Resolved that the president and
Secretary take measures to advertise the
College in the way most likely to reach the Public


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