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A Special Meeting of the Trustees of
Women's Medical College was held in the
College on May 24th 1892 at 4 o'clock afternoon

Present: Messrs Rogers, Pense, Knight,
Horsey, Miss Gildersleeve and Mrs Folger

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Messrs Horsey and Pense were appointed a
committee to examine the basement floor,
and if they deem it necessary, order a new
floor to be put in.

Dr KN Fenwick having tendered his
resignation it was resolved that appointments
to vacancies on the staff be left in the
hands of the committee for issuing the
Calendar, and that Miss Gildersleeve and
Mrs Folger be a committee to wait upon
Dr KN Fenwick and ascerrtain whether
or not he will reconsider his resignation.

The Meeting thus adjourned.

R Vashon Rogers

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