


Status: Complete


Mr Ross $30, and Mr Boyle $40.

The graduation was appointed to take place
on Thursday at 5 O'Clock P.M. Dr. Williamson
to preside.

The Library accounts were submitted to the
Senatus and found Correct. viz.
Balance from last Session in Secretary's hands $100.50
Receipts during Session 1859-60 [underscore]$176[/underscore]
Disbursements as per receipted ac/submitted [underscore]$132.71[/underscore]
balance on hand at this date $143.79

Closed with prayer
George Weir Secretary

Queen's College
13th August 1860.
Which day the Senatus met, and Dr. George
having been unanimously elected Chairman
of the meeting constituted the same
with prayer. Sederunt Dr. George Chairman,
Professors Lawson and Weir. Drs.
Stewart and Yates were likewise present.
The minutes of former meeting were
read and approved of.

The Professors having met with the Trustees
to frame an Address to the Prince of Wales,
and having prepared and sanctioned such
address at saiddmeeting, the Senatus do
now formally concur in aforesaid address.
From this decision Professor Weir dissented
for the following reasons:

1st Because such an address ought to be
wholly Academic, and consequently the
Trustees should have no part in it.

2nd Because, if the University and Colleges

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Line 43 of transcription: "are" is a catchword