Queen's University Senate Minute Book (Volume 2) 1855-1877






Mr. George Thomson having attended one Session at Edinburgh-University, applied to be admitted ad eundem, and having been examined, and his Class-Certificates, and other testimonials being submitted and found very satisfactory, the Senatus unanimously agreed to sustain his application.

The following Students for the third year's Course were then examined.

{left column]John Gordon, John Lochead, Stephen D. Pope,

[right column]Thomas F. Harkness John Macintyre, Robert V. Rogers

Closed with prayer George Weir Secretary.

Queen's College, 10th October 1860 Which day the Senatus met and was duly constituted. Sederunt Dr. Williamson Chairman Professors George, Lawson, Mowat and Weir. The minutes of former meeting were read and approved of.

The following Students were examined John Flanigan, William Hamilton, and Alexander Hunter. John Flanigan very deficient in Classics and Mathematics. William Hamilton deficient in Classics.

The following motion was submitted viz "That the sums of money awarded to those students, who entitle themselves thereto by undergoing a Satisfactory Examination shall be styled Scholarships, and that the donations made to students, who do not undergo such examination shall be styled Bursaries." After some discussion it was agreed to defer the

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consideration of this matter in the meantime.

The Senatus agreed to recommend for the consideration of the Trustees the propriety of placing a new entrance-gate to the College grounds, fronting [margin]X[/margin]Liddell Street, much inconvenience having been felt by the want of a public entrance for Members of the University, separate from the back entrance required for private purposes. They also recommend that the space in front of the Janitor's door be divided off by a fence, so that the entrance to the Medical Hall be by the west end of the old building by a walk proceeding from the proposed new gate.

A letter from the Secretary to the Trustees was read intimating that the Principal Dr. Leitch had sailed for Quebec on the 4th Instant, and was expected to arrive in Kingston by the close of next week.

Closed with prayer. George Weir Secretary.—

Queen's College 13th October 1860 Which day the Senatus met and was duly constituted. Sederunt Dr. Williamson, Professors George, Mowat, Lawson and Weir. The minutes of former meeting were read and approved of.

The Examinations undergone by applicants for matriculation as Intrants were considered, and it was agreed to admit all. Elias Mullan and John Cameron, though deficient, are to be admitted on condition of diligent application throughout the Sessions, and on the understanding that if deficient at the commencement of next Session

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they must take the first year's Course again. All the second year's Students were passing. James Hope rather deficient in Mathematics. John Flanigan was found deficient in Classics and Mathematics. The Senatus agreed to admit him to the third year's Course with the recommendation that he attend more regularly, and give greater attention to the work of his Classes than last Session. John Goodwill was deficient in some classes, but under the circumstances, it was agreed to admit him to the third year's Courses.

John R. Ross having applied to be admitted to the second year's course, was examined on his previous Session's work. He was deficient in Mathematics, but under the circumstances the Senatus agreed to comply with his request. Alexander Macquarrie was examined and passed.

An application from David Lennon B.A. of Jefferson College U.S. for admission ad eundem to Queen's College was laid before the Senatus. Certificates of Character, ability and success as a Teacher, and of his standing in Jefferson College were likewise submitted. The Senatus agreed to defer the consideration of this matter till Monday the 16th Instant.

Closed with prayer. George Weir Secretary.

Queen's College 15th October 1860. Which day the Senatus met and was duly constituted. Sederunt Dr. Williamson Chairman Professors George, Mowat, and Weir. The minutes of former meeting were read

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and approved of.

The case of David Lennon referred to in last minute was taken up. Dr. George proposed that in as much as the said Gentleman is highly recommended by several well known Gentlemen and Scholars in this Province, and holds a degree in Arts from Jefferson College, a highly distinguised Institution in the United States, the Senatus agree to comply with his request. The matter was left over for another day's consideration.

John Muir was examined as an Intrant and passed. Charles P. Cameron, Alexander Macdonald James Muir, James C. Smith, were examined, and their Examinations declared Satisfactory. Closed with prayer. George Weir Secretary.

Queen's College 16th October 1860 Which day the Senators [met] and was duly constituted. Sederunt Dr. Williamson, Professors George, Mowat and Weir. The minutes of former meeting were read and approved of.

Dr. George's motion seconded in the preceding minute in regard to David Lennon's application was adopted. After a joint view of the oral and written Examinations in the several classes, the following was agreed upon as the order of merit. Junior Class - Intrants. [left column]1 Robert Jardine 2 John V. Noel

[right column] 3 James Simpson 4 Thomas Ferguson

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[left column]5 Baldwin Fralick 6 George A. Yeomans 7 Ewen Macaulay 8 Andrew Agnew ] [right column]9 George Edmison 10 James McFie 11 John Cameron

Senior Class Junior Division [left column] 1 George Halligan 2 John Macmillan 3 Archibald E. Malloch 4 William B. Thibodo

[right column]5 William Hamilton 6 Duncan Morrison 7 William Sullivan 8 James Hope

Senior Class Senior Division [left column]1 Thomas F. Harkness 2 John Macintyre 3 Stephen D. Hope 4 Alexamder Hunter 5 Robert V. Rogers 6 John Gordon

[right column]7 James Dingwall 7 James Dingwall 8 John Lochead 9 William B. Ferguson 10 Geoge S. Pair 11 John Flanagan 12 John Goodwill

Closed with prayer George Weir Secretary

Queen's College 2nd November 1860

Which day the Professors met and the Very Reverend William Leitch D.D. recently elected Principal and [Professors?] Professor of Divinity in this University being present for the first time , took his place in the Senatus as Chairman thereof and constituted the meeting with prayer Sederunt, the Rev'd Dr Leitch President Professors George Williamson, Mowat, Lawson and Weir.

The minutes of the former meeting were read and approved of.

The Principal laid before the Senatus a letter from a W. George Kilpatrick stating

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Displaying pages 56 - 60 of 473 in total