in the University of Toronto, stating that he had passed two successive Examinations in the Faculty of Arts in said University, and enquiring whether without attending the classes in Queen's College during the Current Session, but by preparing the prescribed course, and passing a Satisfactory Examination, he could obtain the degree of B.A. in the Spring of 1861. The Senatus agree to admit Mr. Kilpatrick to the Same standing in Queen's College as he has in Toronto University; but cannot grant a degree without another Session's attendance on the Classes, either in this University or Toronto, and without passing the prescribed Examinations.
It was arranged that the formal opening address be delivered by the Principal in the Convocation Hall on Thursday the eighth Current at half past nine A.M. precisely. A Committee consisting of Professors Mowat, Lawson and Weir was appointed to make the necessary arrangements as to the meeting on said occasion.
Adjourned to meet on Monday the 5th Current at 9 O'Clock A.M.
Closed with prayer George Weir Secretary—
Queen's College 5th November 1860. Which day the Senatus met according to adjournment, and was duly constituted with prayer by the Principal. Sederunt The Very Reverend Dr. Leitch Principal Professors Williamson, George,
Mowat, Lawson and Weir. The minutes of former meeting were read and approved of.
Dr. Williamson submitted the following motion, the consideration of which was left over in the meantime, viz "That the sums awarded to deserving students, whether general students, or those studying with a view to the ministry hitherto called Bursaries shall henceforth be designated by the term Scholarship and that none of these Scholarships shall be given to any student except after a Competitive Examination, and evidence of general merit, and other claims satisfactory to the Senatus."
Professor Mowat's motion in reference to the same subject recorded in the minute of the 10th October Ultime, was likewise submitted again, and postponed for further consideration.
The Secretary was instructed to draw up for the Principal a list of those holding Bursaries during the past three years, specifying the different sources from which said Bursaries have been derived.
A Committee consisting of the Principal and Professors Mowat & Lawson was appointed to draw up a report in regard to the Sabbath Morning Service in the College and to lay the same before an early meeting of the Senatus.
It was agreed to recommend to the Trustees that the Library Catalogues be sold at 20 cents apiece, and that no student shall have access to the Library without
making such purchase.
Closed with prayer. George Weir, Secretary
Queen's College 10th Nov. 1860. Which day the Senatus met and was duly constituted with prayer. Sederunt the Very Reverend Revd. Dr. Leitch Principal, Professors George, Mowat, Lawson and Weir. The minutes of former meeting were read and approved of.
The Secretary laid before the Senatus another letter from Mr. George Kilpatrick in reference to the minute of the 2nd Nov. anent his application for a degree from Queen's College. In answer to his queries "1st Can I graduate in Kingston by attending another Session's lectures here, and by passing another Session here?" "2nd Will my Examination in Law, (which embraces all the Arts' work, and a considerable additional) be accepted for my next in Arts," the Senatus Academicus of Queen's College beg to state that before obtainning a degree in this University, the said George Kil;patrick must lay before them his Certificates of attendance in Toronto University College, and must satisfy them that his year's attendance in Law embraces as much of the Arts' work as the third Session in Arts, and he must further submit to Examination either on the subjects of Examination in this University for the degree of B.A. or on subjects embracing as much ground and
satisfactory to the Senatus.
Closed with prayer George Weir Secretary
Queen's College 3rd December 1860. Which day the Senatus met and was duly constituted with prayer. Sederunt the Very Reverend Principal Leitch Professors Williamson, George, Lawson and Weir. The minutes of former meeting were read and approved of.
Bursaries were assigned to the following Students and from the following sources.
1st Year's Students Robert Jardine $40 Trustees John V. Noel $40 Kingston Alexander Jamison $40 Bursary Fund Ewen Macaulay $40 Bursary Fund
2nd Year's Students George Milligan $40 Trustees & B. Fund
3rd Year's Students Thomas F. Harkness $56 Toronto John McIntyre $20 Trustees Stephen D. Pope $40 Bursary Fund Alexander Hunter $40 Do do John Goodwill $40 Do do Alexander Macdonald $40 Do do Charles Cameron $40 Do do James C. Smith $40 Do do
Divinity Classes Archibald Currie $40 Bursary Fund James S. Mullan $60 [L…?] Association James B. Mullan $40 Bursary Fund
Walter Ross $40 Bursary Fund Donald Ross $40 do do John D. Robertson $56 do do Alexander Campbell $40 do do Alexander Maclennan $40 do do Donald J. Maclean $40 do do Alexander Dawson $40 do do
It was arranged that the Christmas Holidays should begin on Friday the 21st Current and that the Classes be resumed on Thursday the third January 1861. It was agreed that Dr. Lawson should direct the Sub-Librarian in the making out of a new general Catalogue for the Library.
It was resolved that the prize-books should be got through Messrs. Murray and Son Glasgow, and that the Secretary should be furnished with lists by the various Professors before Christmas.
The Principal was authorized to expend $80 in the purchase of Theological works for the College Library.
Closed with prayer George Weir Secretary
Queen's College 14th December 1860 Which day the Senatus met and was duly constituted with prayer. Sederunt The Very Reverend Principal Leitch, Professors Williamson, Lawson and Weir. The minutes of former meeting were read and approved of.
The Principal stated that he had received a letter from Mr. Drummond intimating