Queen's University Senate Minute Book (Volume 2) 1855-1877



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Closed with prayer James Williamson Secy. to Senatus Pro tem.

Queen's College 7th April 1856 The Senatus met & was constituted by Prayer Sederunt Revd. Vice Principal George Profesors Williamson & Weir

The Secretary was instructed to write Mssrs Rolls & McLennan, & request them to pay to the Senatus the fees & Bursaries remitted, & paid over to them while Studying at the College with the expressed intention of becoming Candidates for the work of the Ministry in Connection with the Church of Scotland, but which they have now renounced.

It was resolved, that Mr. W. B. Clarke be required to surrender his Degree of B.A. he not having fulfilled the conditions on which it was granted.

It was reported by the Secretary, that the Bursaries had now been paid over in full, and the amounts were allocated as follows;

[margin]James Mullan D. J. McLean D. McLennan David Camelon James Carmichael John Livingston Donald Ross George Porteous Joshua Fraser Robert Campbell

[left column]Balance of Last Session Toronto Bursary Balance of last Session Edinbugh University Missy. Associatn. Montreal Lay Association Balance of last year Do. Montreal Lay Association Do. Edinbugh University Missy. Associatn.

[right column]£10. - . - 12.10. - 10. - . - 10. - . - 10. - . - 10. - . - 10. - . - 10. - . - 10. - . - 10. - . -

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Geep
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[margin]5 William Boll J.D. McDonnell William McCraig D. McDonald John Thom John A. McKenzie John May

[left column]Bursary of Hugh Allan Esq Trustees Bursary Education Fund Edinh. Univy. Missy, Association (To be repaid within a year) Education Fund ½ Fees Trustees Bursary Do.

[right column] £12.10. - 10. - . - 10. - . - 10. - . - 10. - . - 5. - . -

The Examinations for Degrees was fixed to take place on Monday & Tuesday the 21st & 22nd of April, the public Examination of the Classes on the 23rd, and the delivery of the Closing Address, and the conferring of the degrees in Arts and Medicine on the 24th instant. The Secretary was instructed to apply to the Board of Trustees at its ensuing meeting for £16 for Prizes, & £6 for Mr. Campbell the SubLibrarian.

Closed with prayer. Jas. Williamson Secy. Pro tem.

Queens College 12th April 1856 The Senatus met & was constituted with prayer Sederunt as at last meeting.

Mr. Clarks was called in, when it was intimated to him, that he was required to surrender his Degree to the Senatus in consequence of the condition on which it was granted not being fulfilled by him, and he Expressedhis willingness to do so.

The secretary was instructed to [insert]inform[/insert] Mr. Hugh McMeeken an applicant for the Degree of B.A., that, before the Senatus could take his application into consideration, a Certificate from the Trustees of the School in which he had recently been teaching was necessary. Closed

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Closed with prayer Jas. Williamson Secy Pro tem

Queen's College 23d April 1856 The Senatus was constituted Sederunt Revd. Vice Principal George, & Professors Weir & Williamson.

The requisite Certificate having been forwarded by Mr. Macmeeken the Senatus took his application into consideration, and resolved, that, in the circumstances of his case, it would be more proper, that he should appear before the Examining Board for Teachers appointed by the Government in the meantime, leaving it open to him to apply thereafter if he should still desire to apply to the Senatus as a Candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts.

The Exercises [insert]of the Candidates[/insert] for the degree of Bachelor of Arts were taken into consideration, together with their whole appearance in that and the Oral Examination. After consultation, it was resolved, that the degree be granted with honoours in all the subjects of Examination to Mr. Robert Campbell, and Mr. John A. Mackenzie, and that the Degree be also granted to Mr. George Smith Rose, and Mr. William Edmund McKay.

It was also agreed; on the report of the Medical Faculty, after an Examination at which the other members of the Senatus were present, to confer the Degree of Doctor of Medicine on Messrs Marshall Jacob Brown, Octavius Yates, Benjamin Franklin, George H. Corbett, and John H. Campbell.

The Senatus resolved, that in future the Examination for Degrees shall take place as follows, in Logic & Moral Philosophy on the

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Friday preseeding the Close of the Session from 3 to 6 P.M., in Classics on the Monday following from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. [insert]& 3 to 6 P.M.[/insert] in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy on Tuesdat thereafter from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M., and from 3 to 6 P.M. On Wednesday, the general Examination of the Students in Classics shall be from ½past 10 A.M. to ½past 12 P.M. and in Mathematics & Natl. Philosophy from ½past 12 P.M. to ½past 2 P.M.

The Secretary gave in a report of the State of the Library, and of the receipts, & Expenditure for the Session 1855—56, which was approved of and ordered to be engrossed in the Appendix to this Volume

Closed with prayer JasWilliamson Secy. Pro tem.

Queen's College Kingston 1—13 October 1856 The Senatus met, and was duly constituted Present Revd. Vice principal George, & Professors Weir & Williamson.

The Candidates for Matriculation having been Examined vivâ voce, and by writted questions, on the subjects prescribed, the Senatus agreed to admit the following as Students; viz.

[underscore]First Year[/underscore] [left column]John Kerr McMorine Herbert Stone McDonald Alexander Dawson James Bethune

[right column]James Alexr. Somerville James McCard[?] Henry Cargill [bracket]Equal{/bracket]

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First Class (continued) [left column]William Bennington Curran Walter Ross Walter Miller Ross James Mullan Charles R. Mair Andrew Watson

[right column]Alexander Smith Duncan McDonald Hugh Cameron Henry Cargill Alexander Campbell

[left column][underscore]Second Year's Class[/underscore] Daniel James McDonnell Edmund Hooper William Craig Joshua Fraser David Hamilton James Agnew Finlat McNab James Douglas Archibald Currie

[right column][underscore]Third Year's Class.[/underscore] James Carmichael John Machar John May Donald McLennan George Hutton Duncan McMillan James P. McPherson Malcolm C. Galbraith John M. Fraser George Porteous James S. Mullan

the first five in the First year, & the first four in the Second and Third year ranking in the order of their names as best as in their respective Classes, in the Oral, & written Examinations.

The hours of meeting were continued as formerly.

Closed with prayer Jas. Williamson Secy. to Senatus Pro tem.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Geep
Displaying pages 6 - 10 of 473 in total