Queen's University Senate Minute Book (Volume 2) 1855-1877






meeting of the Senatus. The usual Examinations for Matriculation and Scholarships were however conducted by Professors George, Williamson, Mowat and Weir, and the following report threof submitted to the Senatus, approved and confirmed viz: "On the subjects of Examination for Matriculation these were examined. Entrants [left column]Andrew Drummond John F. Farrell Henry Hadfield Thomas Hart George A. Kirkpatrick Charles Low Alexander McBain George Macdonnell John McLaren

[right column]Alexander Macpherson James Muir Edward Malloch Donald Ross John Ross John Reid Ross Horace Yeomans John Barr.—

Of these all were found Qualified in the different branches, with the exception of Charles Low, and James Muir rather deficient in Classics and Mathematics, Alexander Macpherson and Henry Hadfield in Classics and John F. Farrell in Arithmetic.

After comparing the merits of the written Examinations in the different branches for Scholarships, the result arrived at in the several classes is— I Class [left column] 1 Donald Ross 2 Alexander McBain 3 George Macdonnell 4 Andrew Drummond 5 George A. Kirkpatrick 6 Edward Malloch 7 Thomas Hart

[right column]8 John F. Farrell 9 Horace Yeomans 10 John McLaren 11 John Barr 12 John Reid Ross 13 John Ross 14 Alexander Macpherson

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Geep



[left column]Equal—

[right column][bracket]Charles Low Henry Hadfield James Muir[/bracket]

II. Class. [left column]1 Alexander Campbell 2 William B. Curran 3 James McCaul 4 Alexander Dawson 5 John McMorine 6 James Sommerville

[right column]7 James Bethune 8 Herbert S. McDonnell 9 James B. Mullan 10 Walter Ross 11 Hugh Cameron

III. Class. [left column]1 James Macdonnell 2 Edmund Hooper 3 William Craig

[right column]4 Archibald Currie 5 Josuah[sic] Fraser 6 David Hamilton

The Examinators cannot but express their regret and great dissatisfaction, that generally the subjects studied during the previous se4ssion have not been carefully revised."

The Senatus in view of this report resolve that there shall be the greatest strictness in future in such Examinations, that all Students found deficient in this respect, be kept back a session, and that intimation thereof be publicly given.—

The Secretary then read a Memorial signed by several of the Students, craving the Countenance and support of the Senatus in favour of a Society about to be formed by them in Connection with Queen's College, the objects of which Society are—the Maintenance and defence of the Students' rights, the interchange of friendly intercourse, the promotion and encouragement of learning, and the furtherance of the general interests of the University. The Senatus expressed their Cordial approbation of

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Geep



the proposed scheme, and their willingness to assist the Students by every means in their power in carrying the same into effect. The Secretary was instructed to communicate notice of the above to the Students.

Some Students having been lately in the habit of attending without their gowns, the Senatus enjoin that in future no Student appear within the College grounds without his gown, and that information of this injunction be conveyed to the students by the Secretary.

The Secretary stated that before the Christmas holidays he had paid the first installment of Scholarships and Bursaries to such students as were entitled to the same by Competition and to such others studying with a view to the Ministry as appeared to be in the most straitened circumstances viz, Scholarships awarded by Competition I Class [left column]1 Donald Ross

[right column]2 Alexander McBain.

II Class Alexander Campbell III Class D. James Macdonnell.

Bursaries given to those in straitened circumstances studying for the ministry James McCaul, Duncan McDonald Walter Ross, George Porteous James Mullen Archibald Currie. This allotment was approved and sanctioned by the Senatus.

The Secretary was instructed to pay John Ross of the Junior Class, the first installment of a Bursary, his circuumstances and Conduct warranting such an appropriation. ~

Closed with prayer George Weir Secy

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Queen's College 23rd January 1858 Which day the Senatus met, and was duly constituted with prayer by the Principal. ~

Sederunt the Revd. Dr. Cook Principal Professors George, Williamson, Mowat and Weir. ~ The minutes of former meeting were read & approved of.

The Secretary was directed to write to Montreal in reference to the Lay Association Bursaries and to transmit an account of the last-years appropriation of the same.

It was agreed that the Public Roll be examined every Monday by the Professor officiating at prayers for the week, that all grave offences be reported to the Senatus at the next meeting thereafter, and that such Students as claim a dispensation from services on the Sabbath Morning shall give in their reasons for the same to be considered by the Senatus.

Closed with prayer George Weir Secy.

Queen's College 6th Feby. 1858 Which day the Senatus met and was duly constituted with prayer by the Principal.

Sederunt the Revd. Dr. Cook Principal, Professors Williamson, Mowat and Weir.

The Minutes of former meeting were read and approved of.

A letter was read from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, to the effect that he had drawn for £35 Sterling being a grant of the Colonial Committee in aid of the Bursary

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Geep



Fund, and at three months on Mr. Morris for £45 Currency granted by the Lay Association of Montreal less £12..10/ already paid to M. Leger ~

The following resolutions in reference to Bursaries, being read and submitted by the Principal were unanimously adopted by the Senatus, and ordered to be engrossed in the Minutes. ~ viz.

1. "That Students now receiving Bursaries shall continue to receive them to the end of the Curriculum, on Condition that at the beginning of each Session, they stand in satisfactory Examination, on such work as may be prescribed to them at the end of the previous session. ~

2. 'That as Bursaries become vacant they shall be given to entrants, on a Consideration jointly of the merits and necessities of the Candidates. ~

3. That they should be held to the end of the College Course subject to the same condition to be imposed on Students now holding Bursaries on the performance of which, Students are to be held to have earned their Bursaries, and to be entitled to them as a matter of right. ~

4. That Entrants becoming Candidates for Bursaries shall be required in addition to the ordinary Matriculation Examinations, to stand an Examination on the Greek Grammar, and the first ten Chapters of the Gospel of John.

5. That the obligation to continue the Bursaries is of course to be contingent on the Funds for that purpose, continuing to be furnished to the Senatus.

6. That the above regulations do not

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Geep
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 473 in total