Queen's University Senate Minute Book (Volume 2) 1855-1877






apply to the Trustees' Bursary or Bursaries which are to be awarded annually by competition. ~

7. That the above regulations apply to those only who are studying for the work of the miniistry, that all such students must come under an obligation, before receiving any such Bursary, that failing their entering the Ministry within the limited period, they shall refund to the College all Bursaries received, and Fees remitted."

Closed with prayer ~ George Weir Secy —

Queen's College 13th February 1858. Which day the Senatus met, and was duly constituted with prayer by the Principal.

Sederunt Dr. Cook Principal, Professors George, Williamson, Mowat and Weir.

The minutes of former meeting were read and approved of.

A list of prize books was given in by the different Professors to be transmitted by the Principal to Glasgow, to get the books handsomely bound in Calf, with an impression of the College Seal on one side, and forwarded before the Close of the Session.

A letter was read from Mr. Campbell Head-Master of the Preparatory School, craving to be examined separately on each of the the subjects prescribed for the degree of Master of Arts. The Senatus agreed to grant his request.

The first instalments of Bursaries, were ordered to be paid to John Livingston, Donald Ross Joseph Evans, Joshua Fraser, and

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Geep



James Carmichael.~

The following are the Bursars and Bursaries for Session 1857—58 ~ [left column]Donald Ross Alexander McBain John Ross Alexander Campbell James McCaul Duncan McDonald Walter Ross James Mullan James Macdonnell Archibald Currie Joshua Fraser George Porteous John Livingston Donald Ross James Carmichael` Joseph Evans Prospere Leger

[center column]1st. Class £10 do — £10 do £10 2nd Class £10 do £10 do £10 do £10 do £10 3rd Class £10 do £10 do £15 Student of Durn. £14 do £12-10/ do £12-10/ do £15 do £12-10/ do £15

[right column]Trustees Revd. D. Watson's Bursary Fund do do do do do do do Lay Assocn. Mon [?] Cole. Fund do LA = Bursary Fund≥ Hugh Allan's Lay Ass, Monl.

Closed with prayer. ~ George Weir Secy ~

Queen's College 20th February 1858 Which day the Senatus met and was duly Constituted with prayer.

Sederunt the Revd. Dr. Cook Principal Professors George, Williamson, Mowat and Weir

The minutes of former meeting were read and approved of.

The Senatus took up the case of those students, who had entered the College with the professed object of studying for the ministry of the Church of Scotland in this Province.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Geep



in consideration of which their fees had been remitted, and Bursaries granted to them, but who had failed to implement their engagement. The Principal agreed to draft a letter to be dispatched to such ex-Students, condemnatory of their conduct, and claiming immediate reimbursement of fess remitted, and Bursaries granted, in as much as they had failed to fulfil their obligations.

Closes with prayer. George Weir Secy ~\

Queen's College 25th March 1858 Which day the Senatus met and was duly constituted with prayer.

Sederunt the Revd. Dr Cook Principal, Professors George, Williamson, Mowat and Weir.

The Minutes of former meeting were read and approved of.

The letter rerred to at last meeting, which the Principal agreed to draft—was read, and the Secretary stated that copies thereof had been sent to Donald MacLennan, and Jemes Rollin. Answers to the same had been received, promising payment, and were read before the Senatus.

A letter was read from Findlay F. [Mac…?] claiming a bursary on the plea that he stood second after Examination at the commencement of his first Session, and that both before and since that time, a Bursary had been granted to the student, who occupied the same position. The Principal agreed to bring this matter under the notice of the Trustees, in order to ascertain whether such Bursary could be granted here, and whether

Last edit about 3 years ago by Khufu



it should be continued in future. The Senatus examined and discussed the New [underline]Rules[/underline] and [underline]Regulations[/underline] for the maintenance of authority and the due governance of the Institution. The Principal was to say the result of their deliberations before the Trustees. Closed with prayer.

George Weir Sec

Queen's College From the 10th to the 27th April 1858

The Senatus met and was duly constituted with prayer by the Principal. Sederunt The Revd. Dr. Cook, Principal, Professors Williamson, George, Mowat and Weir. The Minutes of former meeting were read and approved of.

The Accounts of the Library for the current Session were laid before the Senatus. Receipts £44 - disbursements as per accounts which were also laid on the table £21-10p leaving a balance of £22-10pin the Secretary's hands. The Secretary was instructed to purchase the Imperial Dictionary and the Imperial Gazetteer for the College Library.

Application was made on the part of Wm. C. Clark and David Camelon for bursaries. The Senatus [priority?] that the Bursary Fund was not exhausted, ordered each to be paid £10.

In accordance with the resolutions passaed at a previous meeting of Senatus, in reference to students holding Bursaries and studying with a view to the ministry, the following Subjects for Examination Present that Session were prescribed. ~

Last edit about 3 years ago by Khufu



In Arts 1st Class Homer's Iliad Book IV, Virgil's Æneid Book X, Euclid Book XI. do — 2nd Class Homer's Iliad Book VII, Cicero de Senectute et de Amicitia, Herschell's Astronomy first four Chapters, Earnshaw's Statics, Chap: VII, Exponential Theorem, and the Principles and Constuction of Logarithms. do — 3rd Class- Cicero de Officiis Book I.

Divinity Students 104 Psalms in Hebrew Epistle to the Ephesians in Greek — Paley's Horæ Paulinæ and Butler's Three Sermons on human nature.

It was agreed these applicants for degrees should be examined on Wednesday the 21st Current on Classics, on Thursday the 22nd on Mathematics and Natural Philosophy On Saturday the 24th on Mental and Moral Philosophy and Logic, that the public Examination of the Classes should be held on Friday the 23rd and that the present Session should terminate on Tuesday the 27th.

On a review of the oral and written examinations which the Candidates for the degree of M.A. and B.A. underwent, the Senatus agreed to confer the former honor on Robert Campbell Drummond C.W. and the latter on Daniel James Macdonnell Fergus. C.W. with honors in all his Classes. Archibald Currie Scotland James Douglas. Quebec C.E. Edmund J. Hooper Newburgh C.W. Josua Fraser. Lanark C.W.

Last edit about 3 years ago by Khufu
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