Queen's University Senate Minute Book (Volume 2) 1855-1877






tendering his resignation of said office together with a report on the Library. The Senatus agreed to offer the appointment of Sub-Librarian to Donald Ross. A list of books as missing was ordered to be hung up in the Library—and the Librarian and Sub-Librarian were directed to make every effort to recover them. It was decided that none except the Librarian and Sub-Librarian shall have keys to the Library. Closed with prayer. George Weir Secy.—

Queen's College 25th November 1859. Which day the Senatus met and was duly constituted by the Chairman Dr. Williamson Sederunt Professors Williamson, George, Mowat and Weir. The Minutes of former meeting were read and approved.

After some conversation about the Library, it was agreed to have a supplement to the Catalogue printed. It was stated that the Library of the late Mr Hopkirk was advertised for sale along with his other effects, and Professors Williamson and Weir were authorized to attend the said sale and make purchases for the College Library to the Amount of $120.

Closed with prayer George Weir Secy.—

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Geep



Queen's College 9th December 1859 Which day the Senatus met and was duly constituted by the Chairman Dr. Williamson. Sederunt Professors, Williamson, George, Mowat, and Weir. The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

Professor Weir was instructed to make enquiry of those Students for the Church, who had received Bursaries last Session, if they are still in needy circumstances, and if so, to pay them the first instalment as before.

It was agreed that the Christmas holidays should begin on Friday 23rd December 1859 and that the Classes should be again resumed on Thursday the 5th January 1860.

Closed with prayer George Weir Secretary.

Queen's College 22nd December 1859. Which day the Senatus met and was duly constituted with prayer by the Chairman Dr. Williamson. Sederunt Professors Williamson, George, Lawson and Mowat.

Professor Mowat was requested to act as Secretary Pro tempore, a letter having been read from Professor Weir intimating that he was prevented by indisposition from attending.

It was agreed to appropriate out of the Funds at the disposal of the Senatus £45 for the purchase of books for the Library;

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Geep



and Professors Williamson, Weir and Lawson were appointed a Committee to procure the books according to lists to be furnished by the respective Professors.

The above Committee was also appointed to procure a large folio blank volume for the insertion of the full title of all the books at present in the Library and hereafter to be added.

Closed with prayer.

Queen's College 24th March 1860. Which day the Senatus met and was duly Constituted with prayer by the Chairman Dr. Williamson. Sederunt Dr. Williamson, Chairman Professors George, Lawson and Weir. The minutes of former meeting were read and approved.

It was agreed that the classes should close previously to Examinations for degrees, on Tuesday the 17th April.

Mr Daniel James Macdonnell B.A. was then called in and examined orally on Natural Philosophy and Mental and Moral Philosophy and Logic for the degree of M.A. Which examination was declared highly Satisfactory

Closed with prayer. George Weir Secretary.

Queen's College 26th March 1860. Which day the Senatus met and was duly Constituted with prayer by the Chairman

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Dr Williamson. Sederunt Dr Williamson Chairman— Professors George, Lawson, Fowler and Weir. The minutes of former meeting were read and approved.

There was laid before the Senatus a Telegram from Dr Cook Quebec, asking the sanction of the Trustees of Queen's College or of the Senatus or of both, to draw up a petition to government in name and by authority of said parties in reference to the present management of the Funds of Toronto University, and with a view to a division of the same among the Chartered Universities of Canada West. The Senatus deemed it Ultra vires on their part, to take up the matter, but authorized Dr Williamson to state to the Trustees to be transmitted with their minute on this subject, that individually they are in favor of a thorough investigation into the present disbursement of the Funds of Toronto University, and of a just and equitable division of a portion at least of said Funds among the Chartered Universities of Canada West.

The Senatus agreed to give James S. Mullan a Bursary. Closed with prayer. George Weir Secretary.

Queen's College 7th April 1860. Which day the Senatus met and was duly Constituted with prayer by the Chairman Dr Williamson Sederunt Dr Williamson Chairman, Professors George, Lawson and Weir. The minutes of former meeting were read and approved.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Geep



A letter from Mr. Daunt Grammar School Teacher at Lindsay, applying for the degree of B.A. from Queen's College, and stating that he held a license from the Examining Board in Toroonto, qualifying him to hold a Grammar School in any part of Canada West, was laid before the Senatus. Before any definite answer could be given to this application, it was deemed proper that the Senatus should be informed, whether Mr. Daunt had received any Collegiate education, and if so, that evidence to that effect should be furnished.

It was agreed that the Examinations for degrees should begin on the 18th Current and continue through that and the three following days, —oral Examinations in the forenoon and written Papers in the afternoons, in this order Commencing each day at 9 A.M. viz. On Wednesday the 18th Classics. On Thursday the 19th Mathematics & Natural Philosophy On Friday the 20th Mental and Moral Philosophy & Logic And on Saturday the 21st Natural History. Mr Daniel James Macdonnell B.A. was then examined orally in Greek for degree of M.A. which Examination was declared highly Satisfactory.

There was some conversation about having Examionation Papers printed, as in this way the work done in the College would be better known to the Country, and it was agreed that application be made to the Trustees for their sanction to adopt this plan. Closed with prayer. George Weir, Secy.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Geep
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