Queen's University Senate Minute Book (Volume 2) 1855-1877






18th to 26th April 1860. The Senatus met and was duly constituted by the Chairman Dr. Williamson. Sederunt Dr. Williamson Chairman Professors George, Lawson and Weir. The minutes of former meeting were read and approved.

In regard to the application for degree of B.A., of Mr. Daunt Grammar School Teacher Lindsay, the Secretary stated that since last meeting of Senatus, a certificate, in favor of the said Mr. Daunt, had been received, to the effect that he had been educated at Skibbereen Academy County Cork Ireland with a view to his entering Trinity College Dublin, but as no evidence of his having received a Collegiate Education was furnished, the Senatus agreed that [insert]the[/insert] matter be in the meantime deferred for future Consideration.

It was stated by Dr. George that Mr. Alexander Campbell on account of ill health was unable to attend the ordinary Examinations for degrees, that he wished to be partially examined orally before the Senatus, and that from this and the Knowledge which the Professors had individually of his acquirements, the degree of B.A. should be conferred upon him along with the others entitled to that honor at the close of the Session. The Senatus expressed most strongly their sympathy with Mr. Campbell in his illness, their high opinion of his attainments as well as their confident expectation that he is in every way qualified to hold the honor which he claims, but at the same time they regret that they do not feel themselves justified in departing in his case from the ordinary Course, as

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as they might thus establish a precedent, which might have injurious Consequences hereafter. Dr. George was of opinion that his request should be complied with under the circumstances.

The following Students gave in their names for Examination as applicants for the degree of B.A. Andrew Thomas Drummond, Thomas Hart, Alexander McBain, George Macdonnell. John Maclaren, Edward George Malloch, Donald Ross, Horace Porter Yeomans. These were examined orally and by written exercises on Classics on Wednesday, the 18th; in Mahematics and Natural Philosophy on Thursday the 19th; and orally in Mental and Moral Philosophy and Logic on Friday the 20th; and in Natural History on Saturday the 21st. After a joint view of all these Examinations the Senatus were unanimously of opinion that the degree of B.A. should be conferred on all the above names Gentlemen, and that their names be arranged in Alphabetical order with one Exception viz. George Macdonnell whose name is to placed at the foot of the list. The list accordingly stands thus— Andrew Thomas Drummond, Kingston, C.W. Thomas Hart, Perth C.W. John McBain, Thorah C.W. John Maclaren, Glengarry C.W. with honors in Mental & Moral Philosophy & Logic Edward George Malloch, Perth, C.W. Donald Ross, Glengarry, C.W. with honors in all the subjects of Examination. Horace Porter Yeomans, Waterloo, C.W. George Macdonnell, Fergus, C.W.

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[margin] The Senatus was unanimously of opinion, that the dgree of M.A. should be conferred on David James Macdowell, Fergus, C.W., with honors in all the subjects of Examination.

On the recommendation of the Medical Faculty the Senatus agreed to confer the degree of M.D. on the following gentlemen. Nelson J. Bird, Belleville. Thomas Chananhouse[?], Kingston. James G. Cranston, Hamilton. Thomas R. Dupuis, Harrowsmith. John G. Giles Famerville. Edward H. Horsey, Kingston. Edward McKenzie Prescott. Willaim R. Roche, Easton's Corners. George R. Rose Kingston George Doolette Spooner, Kingston James D. Trousdale, Newboro:

A letter was read from Mr. Neil Macleod Honorary Secretary to the Kingston Hospital reminding the Senatus that by Section Second of Act of Incorporation of said Hospital, "The Senatus of Queen's College has the privilege of nominating annually one of the Medical Professors a member of the Hospital Board. The Senatus in Exercise of this right unanimously nominated Dr. Dickson.

It was agreed that there should be an Examination before the Professors, of the Arts' Classes on Wednesday the 25th Current, at 9 O'Clock A.M.

There was laid before the Senatus a letter from Mr. Hugh Fraser, Treasurer of the Aberdeen Universities Missionary Association enclosing a draft for £7 sterling, to be allotted—

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allotted to a Student of divinity, such student being required to ackonowledge receipt and give a short statement of his Course of Studies, and the manner in which he is otherwise employed, addressed to the Revd. Dr. Macpherson King's College, Old Aberdeen.

The Bursary was allotted to James B. Mullan, Student of Divinity and the Secretary was directed to instruct him to Comply with the Conditions in the letter above referred to laying his letter to Dr. Macpherson before Professor Mowat previously to despatching it.

It was agreed that the Janitor McDarrach should have the key to the College Library during the Summer vacation, that none shall have admission to the Library except Professors or those to whom any of the Professors may give a written permission, that it shall be McDarrach's duty, to see that if any books are taken out either by the Professors or those to whom the Professors may give a written permission, the names of such parties taking out books, and the titles of the priests[?] themselves, shall be entered in the Album and that if Ministers during the Session of Synod take out books, such books must be returned before the ending of said Synod,— the Professors who give the written permission, being personally responsible for the books, taken out, under their written persmission.

Messrs Boyle and Ross applied to be aided with bursaries. The Senatus agreed to give

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Mr Ross $30, and Mr Boyle $40.

The graduation was appointed to take place on Thursday at 5 O'Clock P.M. Dr. Williamson to preside.

The Library accounts were submitted to the Senatus and found Correct. viz. Balance from last Session in Secretary's hands $100.50 Receipts during Session 1859-60 [underscore]$176[/underscore] $276.50 Disbursements as per receipted ac/submitted [underscore]$132.71[/underscore] balance on hand at this date $143.79

Closed with prayer George Weir Secretary

Queen's College 13th August 1860. Which day the Senatus met, and Dr. George having been unanimously elected Chairman of the meeting constituted the same with prayer. Sederunt Dr. George Chairman, Professors Lawson and Weir. Drs. Stewart and Yates were likewise present. The minutes of former meeting were read and approved of.

The Professors having met with the Trustees to frame an Address to the Prince of Wales, and having prepared and sanctioned such address at saiddmeeting, the Senatus do now formally concur in aforesaid address. From this decision Professor Weir dissented for the following reasons:

1st Because such an address ought to be wholly Academic, and consequently the Trustees should have no part in it.

2nd Because, if the University and Colleges are

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Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 473 in total