Queen's University Senate Minute Book (Volume 3) 1863-1887





Queen's University Senate Minutes Vol. 111

Last edit about 4 years ago by briannataylor


List furnished to Rev. B. F. Austen B. D. St. Thomas, of attendance 1877 - 1882 in Arts

[left column] 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881

[middle column] Whole no. 94 92 106 172 174

[right column] no. y undergraduates 69 70 93 127 130

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu


[Funeral of Dr. Machar & Resolution of Condolence] 1862-3 Queen's University, 11th Feb, 1863.

This day the College Senate met in the Convocation Hall, the Very Rev Principal in the chair. Sederunt Professors Mowat, Williamson, Weir, Lawson, Murray, Dickson, Lavell, Octavius Yates & Kennedy. After the chairman had constituted the meeting by prayer, on the motion of Professor Williamson, seconded by Professor Lawson, the Senate unanimously adopted the following Resolution and requested the Secretary to transmit the same to the family of the late Dr. Machar.

[margin] Funeral of Dr. Machar & resolution of condolence [/margin]

The Senate agree to record their sincere regret at the death of Rev. John Machar D.D., who was Principal of this University from 1846 to 1853 and during six years of that time taught the Hebrew classes. His sound scholarship, his excellent judgment, his unvarying courtesy & his conscientious attention to all his academic duties rendered his connection with Queen's College alike creditable to himself, agreeable to his colleagues & advantageous to this University. The Senate further agrees to express their deep sympathy with Mrs. Machar & her family, & their ernest hope & prayer that the consolation of God's Word & Spirit may be imparted to them in their trying bereavement.

It was thereafter resolved that the University should proceed in a body to attend Dr. Machar's funeral. The meeting was then closed with the Benediction.

William Leitch, Principal

Queen's University, 20th Feb, 1863

This day the College Senate met & was constituted. The Very Rev. Principal in the Chair. Sederunt Professors Mowat, Williamson, Cameron, Weir, Lawson, Murray, Dickson, Horatio Yates, Lovell, and Kennedy.

[margin] Committee to examine the Statutes [/margin]

It was agreed to request Drs Leitch, Williamson, Dickson and Lawson to examine the Statutes and prepare a statement embodying any necessary enquiries or suggestions with a view to submission to the Board of Trustees, said statement to be laid before the Senate at next meeting.

Professor Mowat from the theological, Professor Williamson

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu



[margin] Election of Curators of the Library [/margin]

from the Arts, Professor Lavell from the Medical and Mr Henderson from the legal faculty were elected Curators of the Library.

The following motion was then laid on the table by Dr. Dickson with the intimation that it should be brought before the Senate at next meeting.

[margin] Motion to confer degree of M.D. on six of the medical Professors [/margin]

Whereas six Professors in the Faculty of medicine [insert] who [/insert] are graduates of other Universities are desirous of possessing the degree of Doctor of Medicine of this University and have passed the examinations prescribed by the Calendar. Therefore resolved that the Senate do now grant the degree of Doctor of Medicine to Professors John R. Dickson, M.D., Horatio Yates M.D., John P. Litchfield M.D., Roderick Kennedy M.D. & Fife Fowler M.D.

The meeting was then closed with the benediction

William Leitch, Principal

Queens University 24th Feb., 1863

This day the College Senate met & was constituted, the Very Rev. Principal in the chair. Sederunt Professors Mowat, Williamson, Weir, Lawson, Murray, Dickson, Horatio Yates, Octavius Yates, Fowler, Lavell & Kennedy.

The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and sustained, the following Report of the Committee appointed to examine the statutes was received:

[margin] Report of Committee on the Statutes [/margin]

Senate Room, Queen's College, 21st Feb, 1863

The Committee appointed by the Senate met this day, present the Very Rev. Principal Leitch, Professors Williamson, Dickson, & Lawson, and in accordance with their instructions, drafted the following statement for submission to the Board of Trustees:

To the Honourable the Board of Trustees of Queen's College, Kingston

The members of the Senate of Queen's College, feeling deeply the importance of maintaining [insert] unimpaired [/insert] that harmony of feeling and of action which has hitherto uniformly existed between the Board of Trustees and the Senate, beg respectfully to submit to your Honorable Board the following statement with the request that you will be pleased to take the same into your consideration as embodying the views of the Senate relative to certain statutes recently passed by your Board.

[margin] Statute V. [/margin]

In reference to the Statute the Senate is of opinion that the penalties enumerated

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu



enumerated in the 15th clause of the Charter, namely Admonition, Reproof, Suspension or Removal of the Principal and Professors can only be inflicted after a complaint being first made and proven with reference to Impropriety of Conduct, and that therefore no Professor now holds his tenure of office merely during the pleasure of the Board of Trustees.

Statute XV. The Senate is of the opinion that the Board of Trustees is not constituted by the Charter a Court of Review over the [strikethrough] Statutes [/strikethrough] Senate in decisions upon the qualifications of candidates for degrees or conferring of the same.

XVIII. The Senate would respectfully direct attention to the Statutes as liable to misconstruction in its present form.

XX. The Senate is of opinion that the annual Calendar should be prepared by the Principal after communication with the various Faculty Boards and should be submitted to the Senate preparatory to its being laid before the annual meeting of Trustees for [ strikethrough] that purpose [/strikethrough] approval.

XXVI. The Senate is of opinion that Diplomas should be signed not only by the Principal, but also by at least four Professors in terms of the 24th clause of the Charter. The 26th Statute and also Statutes 25, 62-68, relate to Degrees, the regulation of which devolves by the Charter upon the Senate and should therefore be embodied in the By Laws of the Senate rather than in the XXVII. General Statutes of the University. The Senate is of opinion that the proceedings of any meeting of Senate legally constituted should be valid when signed by the Chairman of said meeting.

XXXV. The Senate is of opinion that the Professors now in office were appointed to perform the duties belonging to their respective chairs and came under no obligation to perform any other. If they undertake additional duties, it is entirely at their own option.

LV. Exemptions from attendance in prayers, being a matter of college discipline, belongs properly to the College Senate.

LIX. The College Senate is of opinion that, as no exception is made in the Charter, all persons whatever, resident in the College, are placed under the academical superintendence and discipline of the Senate.

LX. This Statute, requiring inquiry, proof and record of the action of the [strikethrough] Students [/strikethrough] Senate in reviewing the conduct of the Students, should be a By Law of the Senate to regulate cases of discipline.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu
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