Statute LXIX. The Senate is of opinion that there can be no limitation as to the time at which necessary meetings of the Senate shall be held, & that it would [Date reviewed J.C.M.] be most injurious to the interests of the College, that the time should be limited to the College Session, and that if any member, when the meeting is called, is absent in another part of the Province, he can be notified by Circular, when all will be on the same footing in this respect.
[margin] Adoption of the First Clause of the Report [/margin]
Resolved, — that the First Clause of the Report relative to Statute X be adopted. Resolved further, that, as the Principal has explained to the meeting that the Senatus has already expressed an opinion on the Statutes and that he intends to bring them before the other Faculty Boards, all that portion of the Committee's Report after the paragraph relating to the tenth Statute be simply recorded in the minutes of the Senate, further that that portion relating to the tenth Statute, along with the preamble, be transmitted to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
[margin] Six Professors in the Medical Faculty receive the degree of M.D. [/margin]
The following motion, which has been laid on the table at the previous meeting, was then taken up and agreed to, that whereas six of the Professors in the Faculty of Medicine, who are graduates of other Universities, are desirous of [strikethrough] becoming [/strikethrough] possessing the degree of Doctor of Medicine in this University and have passed the examinations presented by the Calendar, therefore resolved that the Senate do now grant the degree of Doctor of Medicine to Professors John R. Dickson M.D., Horatio Yates, M.D., John P. Litchfield M.D., Fife Fowler M.D., Michael Lavell M.D. and Roderick Kennedy M.D.
The meeting was then closed with the benediction.
William Leitch, Principal
Queen's University, 24th March, 1863.
This day the College Senate met and was constituted, the Very Rev. Principal in the chair. [Sede--??] Professors Mowat, Williamson, Lawson, Weir, Murray, Dickson, Fowler, and Kennedy.
After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and sustained the Dean of the Medical Faculty reported
[margin] Graduation in Medicine [/margin]
that the following gentlemen, who had appeared as candidates for the degrees of Doctor of Medicine in this University, had satisfied the examiners of their proficiency in the various branches; and be accordingly proposd that that degree should be conferred upon them: viz. Archibald K. Aylsworth, James Beckett, John L. Bray, Chamberlen A. Irwin, Issac F. Ingersoll, Joseph U. Shirley, Charles V. Watson, Thomas B. Howells, Robert Kineaid, James W. McCammon, Edward G. Ferguson, R.B. Ferguson, H. F. Coleman, John Chanonhouse, U. D. Eliwell, Thomas McLean, Thomas K. Ross, Joseph B. Ruttan, John R. Smith, Thomas Sullivan, John A. Wilson, Horace P. Romans, B.A. It was proposed further that Andrew Moore and Alfred S. Oliver, who had passed their examinations last year, but had not then reached their majority, should now have the degree of Doctor of Medicine conferred upon them. In accordance with the report from the Medical Faculty the Senate agreed to confer on the gentlemen proposed the degree of Doctor of Medicine, & agreed further to meet in the Convocation Hall on Thursday the 26th inst. for the purpose of publicly conferring the same.
It was also reported that Mr. A.T.C. Connor had passed a satisfactory examination & it was accordingly agreed that he should receive his diploma when he attains his majority.
Resolved further, that it be left to the Medical Faculty to decide as to which of the graduates should receive Honours.
The meeting was then closed with the benediciton
William Leitch
Queen's University, 10th April 1863
[margin] Lavell Hood of LL. B. [/margin]
This day the College Senate met and was constituted, the Very Rev. Principal in the Chair. Sederunt Professors Williamson, Weir, Mowat, Lawson, Murray, Dickson and Kennedy.
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and sustained, it was agreed, in accordance with a suggestion from the Faculty of Law, that the hood for the Bachelor of Laws in this University should be black with a white silk border
and similar in shape to that worn by the Law Graduates of Trinity College, Dublin.
[margin] Hoods of B.D. & B.A. [/margin]
Resolved further, that the hood of the Bachelor in Divinity should be white with a crimson plush border and that the hood of the Bachelor in Arts should be black with border of Red silk.
[margin] Adoption of Report of Committee on Statutes [/margin]
It was then moved by Dr. Williamson, seconded by Dr. Lawson, that the Report of the Committee on the Statutes, received by the Senate and recorded in the minutes of Senate of ]24th February last, be hereby adopted and ordered to be transmitted by the Secretary of Senate to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees with a respectful request that the Trustees will take into consideration, at their first full meeting, the suggestions and statements contained in said Report.
On the motion being put, Professors Williamson , Weir, Lawson, Dickson and Kennedy casted for it, Professor Murray against it, Professors Mowat and Lavell declining to vote.
The meeting was then closed with the benediction
William Leitch Principal
Queen's University, 28th April 1863
This day the College Senate met & was constituted, the Very Rev. Principal in the Chair. Present Professors Williamson, Weir, Mowat, Lawson, Murray and Dickson.
[margin] Collation of Degrees 1. Theology of B.D. 2. Arts (a) of M.A. (b) of B.A. [/margin]
A Report was received from the Senatus, recommending that the degree of Bachelor in Divinity be conferred on David Ross, M.A., and that the degree Master of Arts be conferred on Duncan McDonald, James Cowie Smith, John Ken McMorine and John S. Locheed, Bachelors in Arts. The Report recommended further that the degree of Bachelor in Arts should be conferred on Robert Jardine (with Honours in Classics, Mathematics, Natural History, Natural Philosophy and Moral Philosophy), on Alexander Jamieson (with Honours in Natural History), Edison Baldrone Fraleck (with Honours in Natural History), on John Navassaur Noel (with Honours in English Literature), on William Rutherford
Bain, John Madic, George Thomson, George Augustus Yeomans, Thomas Brooks Ferguson and Henry Edonison.
Resolved, that the degrees proposed in the Report from the Senatus be conferred.
[margin] 2 Laws (2) of LL.D. D.D. (B) of LL.B. [/margin]
A Report from the Faculty of Law was also received recommending that the degree of Doctor of Laws be conferred on the Honourable John Alexander Macdonald, Member of the Provincial Parliament for Kingston, and on the Rev. Michael Willis, Doctor in Divinity, Principal of Huron College Toronto. The Report recommended further, that the degree of Bachelor of Laws should be conferred with Honours on James Philip Gildersleeve, Andrew Thomas Drummond, Cornelius William Price, Edward Boyd and Patrick Joseph Buckley.
Resolved, that the degrees proposed in the Report from the Faculty of Law be conferred.
Resolved further, that the Senate meet on Thursday the 30th inst. at 3 o'clock PM in the Convocation Hall for the laureation of those gentlemen on whom it has been resolved to confer the above mentioned degrees.
Resolved further, that, much inconvenience having been experienced from the loan of an engraved plate for Diplomas in the Faculty of Arts , it be recommended to the Board of Trustees to re-authorise the Senate to cover the necessary expense.
[margin] Students of the First Year in Arts to atttend a class of Natural History [/margin]
Resolved further, that Students of the First Year in the Faculty of Arts hereafter attend a class in Natural History on Tuesdays & Fridays between 2 & 3 o'clock P.M.
The meeting was then closed with the benediction.
William Leitch, Principal
Queen's University, 30th April 1863
This day the College Senate met in the Convocation Hall and was constituted, the Very Rev. Principal in the Chair. Present Professors Williamson, Mowat, Lawson, Murray, Dickson, H. Yates, G. Yates, Litchfield, Lavell, Fowler and Kennedy.
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and sustained, the Principal proceeded to Laureate the gentlemen
1863 - 4
[margin] Laureation of Graduates in Geology, Law and Arts [/margin]
on whom it had been resolved , at the previous meeting, to confer Degrees in Geology, Law and Arts
This meeting was then closed with the benediction
W. Snodgrass, Principal 21 December 1866
[margin] Session 1863-4 [/margin]
Queen's University, 8th January 1864
This day the College Senate met & was constituted. Professor Williamson in the Chair. Present Professors Weir, Mowat, Lavell and Murray.
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read & sustained, the Secretary read a letter from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees acknowledging the Receipt of the statement relative to the Statutes transmitted from the Senate on the 10th of April, 1863, and intimating that the Trustee had authorised the reference of providing an engraved plate for the Arts Diplomas.
It was resolved to request Professors Williamson & Dickson to draw up a resolution relative to Dr. Lawson's retirement from the University to be embodied in the minutes of the Senate.
[margin] Election of Hospital Governor and Curators of the Library [/margin]
It was further resolved to appoint Dr Fowler Governor of the Hospital for the ensuing year.
The retiring Curators of the Library present stated that their annual Report was not yet prepared & begged leave for further time in order that it might be drawn up. They were then reappointed for the ensuing year & the Senate agreed to meet on the 15th inst. at 6 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of receiving their Report.
The meeting was closed with the benediction.
W. Snodgrass Principal 21 December 1864
Queen's University 4th February, 1864
This day the College Senate met & was constituted, Professor Williamson in the chair. Present Professors Weir, Mowat, Dickson, Horatio Yates, Fowler, Lavell, Kennedy, and Murray.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read & sustained.
It was agreed, on the motion of Dr. Dickson, seconded by Dr. Williamson to embody the minutes the following resolution relative to Dr Lawson