Queen's University Senate Minute Book (Volume 3) 1863-1887






and that, during the first year, the attendance has been confined to the four subjects first mentioned;

[margin] 7. Attendance in a Practitioner's Office [/margin]

7. That he has compounded Medicines, &c. for two periods of six months or one period of twelve months in the office of a duly qualified practititioner, and has attended at least six cases of Midwifery.

[margin] III. Examination on Subjects of Study [/margin]

III. Every Candidate must pass an Examination on all the subjects of Study mentioned in the preceding Bylaw; but the Examination may consist of two parts, a primary and a final, and the Senate shall arrange and announce the time at which the Examination shall be held and the manner in which it shall be conducted.

[margin] IV. Thesis [/margin]

IV. Every Candidate must compose an approved Thesis on Some Medical Subject.

The Senate adopted the Bylaws, and with regard to the Matriculation Examination for the present Session resolved.

[margin] Resolutions in Defence to Matriculation Examination in Medicine [/margin]

That the Examination take place on the fifteenth of December, as announced in the Calendar, in the Chemistry Exam Room at eleven o'clock.

That the Subjects of Examination on the occasion be the same as for Matriculation in Medicine last Session, as also the System of marking and the standard required for passing.

That Samuel Foode, Esqr., M.A., Head Master of the Grammar School, be the Examiner:

That the Registrar be instructed to communicate an Extract of this Minute, including the Bylaws, to the Registrar of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, with intimation that the Senate will depend upon the Registrar's announcements being made to intending Matriculants from that College.

That the Registrar be instructed to ascertain from the Registrar of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons what plan has been agreed to with regard to the receipt of the Registration Fee, whether the College will account to the Registrar of Queen's University for the total amount of the fees or whether it is thought better that the few should be required from each Matriculant at the time of Registration;

That the Registrar be instructed to request the Registrar

J. Clark Murray, Secretary

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu




of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons to obtain from intending Matriculants information as to the particular book prescribed in Latin, on which they wish to be examined, and to communicate this information to the Examiner.

The Registar was instructed to intimate to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees that the Bylaws had been adopted.

[margin] Resolutions in reference to an Extra Primary Examination in Medicine [/margin]

A letter was read from the Registrar of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, requesting permission to hold an extra primary examination in Medicine about the Seventeenth of December next. The Principal having explained the reasons for this request, the Senate resolved,

That an extra primary examination may take place next month, beginning on Monday the Seventeenth.

That the papers set be each valued at one hundred and fifty (150), and that Candidates obtaining one hundred and forty (140) on each paper need not be subjected to an oral examination, but that an oral examination be not allowed to any Candidate unless he obtain seventy (70) marks on each of three out of four papers;

That Candidates failing to pass the Examination on account of deficiency - particular branches be understood as failing in the Examination as a whole;

That the President and Professor Sullivan be the examiners in Anatomy, Professors Maclean and Kennedy in Institutes of Medicine, ProfessorsReeve and Fowler in Chemistry, Professors Lavell and Dr. Skinner in Materia Medica, and that they be requested to furnish the Senate with a report of the examination on each subject attested by the Examiners appointed for the subject.

That the Registrar of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons be requested to furnish report of the result of the oral examinations along with the certificates of the Candidate.

W. Snodgrass, D.D., Principal ______________________________

Queen's University, 19th December 1866

This day the Senate met and was constituted. Present the Principal in the chair, Professors Williamson, Mowat, Murray, Bell and Mackinas

J. Clark Murray, Secretary

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The minutes of the previous meeting were read and sustained.

A letter was read from the Registrar of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons at Kingston, acknowledging the receipt of an Extract from the Minutes of last meeting and stating that, for this year at best, that College would account to Queen's College for the total amount of Registration Fees.

[margin] Matriculants in Medicine [end margin]

The Principal read the Report of the Examiner of the Matriculation Examination in Medicine. The Report was adopted, and in terms thereof the following Students were admitted to the Rank of Undergraduates in Medicine.

George Hendry, Charles Artson, C. Dumble, S.F. Maguire, N. McDonald, A.E. Harvey, C. Bleasdell, D.M. Booth, D. Johnstone, A. Day, A. McGraw, James Rutherford, George Carruthers, P.B. Mansman, H.J. Murphy, James Lafferty, D.A. Ferguson, M. Matheson, H.A. Gunn, A.S. Levitt, C. Corbett, A. S. Fraser, D.J. Thompson.

The Registrar was instructed to send an Extract of this Minute to the Registrar of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons.

A note of thanks was unanimously awarded to the Examiner for his trouble and care in conducting the Examinations, and the Registrar was instructed to send him an Extract of this Minute.

[margin] Judges of University Prize Essays [/margin]

It was agreed to request the following gentlemen to act as judges of the University Prize Essays: 1. Of the Essays for the Kingston Prize the Honourable James Patton and James Riddell, Esqs.; 2. of those for the Toronto Prizes Judge Draper and Samuel Woods, Esqs.; 3. of those for the Montreal and Church Agent's Prizes the Rev. Mr Artson of Lanark and the Rev. Mr. Bain of Perth.

The Registrar was instructed to acquaint each of the Judges with his co-adjutor with a view to their comparing results and giving a unanimous adjudication.

The meeting was closed with the benediction.

W. Snodgrass, D.D., Principal _____________________

Queen's University 11th January 1867

The day the Senate met and was constituted. Present

J. Clark Murray, Secretary

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu




the Principal in the chair, Professors Williamson, Mowat, Murray, Bell and MacKerras.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and sustained.

[margin] Election of Curator of the Library [/margin]

It was unanimously resolved, that Professor Mowat from the Faculty of Theology, Professor Williamson from the Faculty of Arts and Professor Henderson from the Faculty of Law be re-elected Curators of the Library for the ensuing year.

The Senate resolved not to elect a Governor of the Hospital for this year.

The Report of the Examiners at the Extra Primary Examination in Medicine, held on the Seventeenth and following days of December last, with relative documents was laid on the table.

The meeting was then adjourned till Wednesday the twenty tird instant.

W. Snodgrass, D.D., Principal __________________________

Queen's University, 23d January 1867

This day the Senate met and was constituted. Present the Principal in the chair, Professors Williamson, Mowat, Murray, Bell and MacKerras

The minutes of the previousl meeting were read and sustained.

The Certificates of the Candidates at the Extra Primary Examination in Medicine, held December last, were then examined; and it was found that the Matriculation Certificates of Augustine Meagher, Daniel Meagher, and Francis M Wafer were awanting. The Registrar was instructed to communicate the fact of the deficiency to the Registrar of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons.

The meeting was then adjourned till Wednesday, Sixth of February next, at one o'clock P.M.

W. Snodgrass, D.D., Principal _____________________

Queen's University, 6th Feb., 1867

This day the Senate met and was constituted. Present the Principal in the chair, Professors Williamson

J. Clark Murray, Registrar

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Williamson, Mowat, Murray, Bell and MacKerras.

The minutes of the previous Meeting were read and sustained.

The Senate, having been informed that it has not been customary to require Matriculation Certificates from Students in Medicine till their final examination, resolved to record and hereby do record that Francis M Wafer, Augustine Meagher, Daniel Meagher and Robert Mack should rank as having passed their Primary Examination in Medicine.

It was intimated that the Honourable James Patton had declared to act as Examiner of the Essays on Confederation, and the Senate accordingly resolved to request Thomas Kirkpatrick, Esq. to act in his stead.

The meeting was closed with the benediction.

W. Snodgrass, Principal

Queen's University, 28th Feb. 1867

This day the Senate [met] and was constituted. Present the Principal in the chair, Professors Williamson, Mowat, Murray, Bell and Mackerras.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and sustained.

[margin] Appointment of Examiners in Medicine [/margin]

For the Examinations in Medicine, which begin on the fifth proxime, the following Examiners were appointed.

1. On Institutes of Medicine and Forensics and State Medicine Professors Maclean and Kennedy, 2. On Chemistry and Principles and Practice of Medicine, Professors Reeve and Fowler. 3. On Materia Medica and Obstetrics Professors Lavell and Dr Skinner; 4. On Anatomy and Surgery the President of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons and Professor Sullivan.

These Examiners were also appointed Examiners of the Theses of intending Graduates in Medicine as they may arrange among themselves.

It was further resolved that the conditions of admission to oral Examination and of passing should be the same as at last Examination.

The Registrar was instructed was instructed.

J. Clark Murray, Registrar

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