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Arrangements were proposed to the Rev. John Sharp, M.A.,
late Professor in Morvin College, Quebec, to take up
tutorial work in Philosophy and English.

A memorandum from Principal Grant brought up a question
of some moment to the University, and which received
much attention for several years thereafter. It was a
proposal to make such a change in the Constitution of
the University as would give the graduates and
benefactors a larger share in the Government of the
Institution, and would place the Theological Faculty,
which had hitherto been a department of the University,
under a separate and independent Board appointed by
the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church.

The matter being one of grave importance, the following
representative Committee was appointed "to examine the
whole question, and present a report to the Board
at its autumn meeting":

"The Chairman, the Chancellor, the Principal, Dr. Campbell,
the Moderator of the General Assembly, Dr. Herridge,
Dr Milligan, and Messrs. D.B. Maclennan and
F.H. Chryster to be the Committee."

And in view of the honorable part taken by the
Presbyterian Church in founding Queen's, a clause was
added to the Report to the Assembly asking that Court
to appoint a Committee to confer with the Committee of the


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