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The Synod farther resolve anew to give
their best aid to the Trusees to maintain the Institu-
tion, and with this view the Synod ordain that the
support of Queen's College shall henceforth be one of
the permanent Schemes of the Church, in aid of which
collections shall be annually made in all the Con-
gregations belonging to the Synod; that for the present
year collections in aid of the funds of this Institution
shall be taken up in all the Congregations through-
out the bounds at an early date, - that Ministers
do earnestly recommend the interests of Queen's Col-
lege to their people, not only in regard to increasing
its funds, but also in the way of promoting a larg-
er attendance of Students and that, in conjunction
with the Board of Trustees, one or two Ministers be
appointed to visit the principal Congregations of
the Church, and advocate the cause of the Insti-

Extracted from the Records of the Synod
of the Presbyterian Church of Canada,
in connection with the Church
of Scotland.-" by


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