cation regarding the state and prospects of Queen's
College to the Colonial Committee, the Board of
Trustees of that University beg leave to submit as fol-
"The University of Toronto, erected under the
University Bill, alluded to in our last two com-
munications, has been set in operation, but has
not met with any degree of general support from
the public, or from any of the leading religious
denominations in Canada. A College, in con-
nection with the Church of England, has beem large-
ly subscribed for both in Canada and in Britain,
and a Medical School attached to it has been al-
ready commenced."
"The Board have again to return their
cordial thanks to the Colonial Committee for
their grant of Three Hundred Pounds, Sterling,
with the aid of which they have been enabled to
carry on their operations during the pas year with-
out encroaching on the invested capital. In conse-
quence of the appointments of a Prin-
cipal and other Professors, which have been
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