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nually made in all the congregations belonging
to the Synod. But these collections are in aid of
the general funds of the College, and for enabling
it to meet the necessary expenditure required for
efficently conducting its general operations; And
the Board would, therefore, again beg leave to bring
the importance of the subject of Bursaries before the
notice of the Committee."

"The Board are happy also to inform the
Colonial Committee that the College School con-
tinues to prosper, and is in a high state of efficiency
under the able superintendence of Mr. Campbell, the
Head Master, aided by the assistants. The whole
number of those in attendance in the School during
the year ending 21st October last was 79. Owing
to a number entering the University, the attendance
at present amounts to only 54 but an increase is
expected. Of these a very considerable number
have it in view to study for the learned profes-
sions. The whole number at present attending the
College and the College School is 95.

During the last year Professor


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