mittee, that this promises to be the most prosper-
ous Session since the commencement of the College,
and that its condition and prospects are such as
must strongly recommend it to that wise and
liberal support which has been granted to it
by the Committee in order that it may be the
means of rearing up young men for the work
of the Ministry, and maintain that place of
usefulness among the educational Institutions
of the Province which it has attained, and
which a College in connexion with our Church
ought to endeavour to hold."
Professors Williamson and Smith having
intimated their intention to visit Great Britain
during the Summer Vacation, and expressed their
readiness to recieve instructions from the Board
relative to any business to be transacted. On
behalf of the Institution, the Board of Trustees
resolved to furnish them with a letter authorizing
them, or either of them, to procure subscriptions
and donations in aid of a fund towards
the erection of College Buildings.
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