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on the 11th July 1850.

"The Salary attached to the office of Principal
by a Resolution of the Board of Trustees is four Hun-
dred Pounds per annum. The Salary of a Professor, in
terms of the same Resolution is Three Hundred Pounds
per annum. All salaries have been regularly paid from
year to year."

"As the Sessions of Queen's College commence
on the first Wednesday in October and terminate
on the last Thursday in April there is no attendance
on the Classes in July.

On the 1st day of Jany 1848 the number of matricula-
ted Students in attendance was Twenty-three

On the first day of January 1849 the num-
ber was Thirty.

On the first day of January 1850 the number
was Thirty-five.

On the first day of January 1851 the number
was Forty-One.

The Trustees have, at a considerable out-
lay, established a Preparatory, at which Eighty
four in all have recieved education during the
Past year and Sixty two were in actual at-
tendance on the first of July inst.


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