



Status: Page Status Transcribed


"The School is open during the whole year ex-
cept during a vacation of Six weeks, commencing
in the beginning of July."

"The Fees for each Class attending the College
are two pounds per Session. Many of the Students at-
tend four Classes, and none of them less than three.
At entrance in each year each Student also pays
a Matriculation Fee of One pound."

"There is a Boarding House established
in connection with the College, under the super-
vision of the Professors, and managed by a Com-
mittee of Trustees, at which Students are furnish-
ed with Board and Lodging at about one pound
fifteen Shillings per Month."

"I beg to add three notes of explanation,"
1st. I have used the words "the Salary
attached to the office of Principal is £ 400, "this
being in terms of a Resolution of the Board of
Trustees, but holding, a I do, an office in the
Church, and wishing to render every service in my
power to an inadequately endowed In-
stitution, I have accepted, during my


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