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6th. That the Honble Wm. Morris be
appointed to draft a letter to the Clergy Reserve
Commissioners setting forth the claims of the
College on the Funds under their management.

The Committee appointed to examine the
Treasurer's accounts and to report, generally, on the
financial affairs of this Institution handed in
their report, which was read and is as follows,

"The sub-committee appointed to examine
into the finances of the College beg to report that
the following appear to be the assets, with their
present values,

Stock in the Commercial Bank £ 6250
County Simcoe Debentures 1000
Cash in Comml Bank bearing 4 percent 2072.5.4
Balances due on land sold in Kingston 1069
Land in Kingston unsold 32 1/2 Acres @ £ 28 812.10
3 Town lots in Toronto (Mr. Harper thinks more) 500
17 Lots of Lands in Canada West, 2364 Acres 1250
Total Assets £ 12953,,15,,4

Of which there is at present yielding income


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