£ 6250 Bank Stock £ 375
1000 Debentures 60
2072 in Comml Bank 85
1069 balances on Land 63
£ 583
The Committee are of opinion that the land-
ed property held by the College should be disposed
of in such a way as to yield interest, which would
increase the available annual funds by at least
£ 200 a year, and that this should be done with
as little delay as possible, and that the Executive
Committee be appointed to carry thts into execution
and also that £ 2000 of the Cash Balance now
in the Commercial Bank be invested in Govern-
ment Debentures at 6 per Cent.
The Committee would further recommend
that the expenses of the College should be entered
in detail in a Book kept by the Treasures for
that purpose, and that a general statement of
the whole revenue and expenses, with the various
assets and everything relating to finance,
should be laid before the annual meeting,
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