besides any interest that may arise from the sale
of the lands
All which is respectfully submitted
(Signed). P. McGill.
(Signed). Hugh Allan.
A committee was at the same time appointed
the Honble Mr. Morris to be Convener to seek out and
recommend for appointment Professors to fill the
Vacancies the said Committee to have power if neces-
sary to send to Scotland for the object in view, and
they were requested if possible to have three persons
to recommend at the next annual Meeting in May.
On the third Wednesday of May accordingly
in terms of the Resolutions of 16th Oct.r the Board
having met received a Letter from Hugh Allan
Esq. Montreal stating, that the Trustees residing in
that Section of the Province would not be present
at the Board at this time, as they do not think
any definite arrangement can be made for the future
management of the College until after the meeting of
Synod, and that the action of the Commission
of Synod disapproving of the Grant resolved to
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