1852 to seek out and recommend for appointment
by the Board Professors to fill the vacancies existing
in the College, Dr. Cook on 20th July 1853 gave in
a verbal report of his procedings in Scotland with
these objects in view, and submitted minutes of
the General Assembly's Colonial Committee on the
subject, and testimonials in favour of Mr. Weir
and Mr. Geddes.
On the motion of the Revd Robert McGill, second-
ed by Hugh Allan Esq., it was resolved "that in view
of the financial Condition of the College,
which is a follows, viz-
300 Shares Commerical Bank @ £ 25. =
£ 750 @ 7% £525. 0. 0.
Other Investments £ 3226, @ 6% 193. 0. 0.
Government Grant 500. 0. 0.
Colonial Committee 366. 0. 0.
Clergy Reserves 500. 0. 0.
£2084. 0. 0.
it appears reasonable to expect that the Trustees
will henceforth be able to offer the follow-
ing Salaries to the Professors
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