agreed upon."
And "that the Revd James George be appointed
Professor of Logic and of Mental and Moral Philosophy
and the Revd J. Malcolm Smith be appointed to the Chair
of Ecclesiastical History, Biblical Criticism and Hebrew
in the University."
At the same time, Dr Cook was authorized to write
to Professor Menzies in name of the Board, requesting
him to nominate Mr. Weird or Mr Geddes to the Cloass-
ical Chair.
In consequence of the resignation of the Principal-
ship by the Revd Dr. Machar, the Revd Alexr Spence,
the Revd Robert McGill, the Honble John Hamilton,
the Honorable William Morris, the Honble Peter McGill
and Hugh Allan Esq were further appointed a Commit-
tee, Mr Morris to be Convener, to look out for a properly
qualified Principal, and as soon as they have found
an Individual whom they judge suitable and whom
they have ascertained to be willing to accept the Office
to report the same to a meeting of the Board to be called,
if necessary, for that purpose, and in parti-
cular that they correspond with the Sub-Committee
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