[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]
James Michie Esq, Toronto
James Knight Esq, London
John Carnegie Esq, Peterborough
Chairman - The Honorable John Hamilton, Kingston
Secretary and Treasurer - William Ireland Esq, Kingston
Very Rev. William Snodgrass, D.D.
Vice Principal
Rev. James Williamson, M.A.,LL.D.
The College Senate
The Prinicpal, Primarius - Professor of Divinity
Rev. John B. Mowat, M.A., - Professor of Oriental Languages, Biblical
Criticism and Church History
The Vice Principal - Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy
Rev. John H. Mackerras, M.A. - Professor of Classical Literature
Nathan F. Dupuis, M.A., F.R.S.Edin, - Professor of Chemistry and
Natural History
Rev. George D. Ferguson, B.A., - Professor of History and English Literature and
Lecturer on Modern Languages
John Watson, M.A., - Professor of Logic, Metaphysics and Ethics
Secretary - Professor Mowat - Registrar
Examiner for Matriculation - [illegible faded] Esq, M.A.
[image: morrocan lamp]
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