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2 revisions
Khufu at Jul 30, 2022 06:11 PM


[image: College coat of arms with ribbon: SPIENTIA ET DOCTRINA STABILITIAS]

Dr Watson as assessors to receive and consider applications
for the two new Chairs.

It was with much anxiety
that the friends of the Principal had seen him laid
aside during this winter by illness. It was felt by all
that his strength could only be restored by rest and complete
change. Accordingly at this session of the Trustees the
business of considering the advisability of requesting the
Principal to rest and travel for a few months was taken
up, when it was moved by Rev DJ Macdonnell, seconded
by Rev Dr Campbell, and resolved, that in view of
the exceptional amount of labour which had necessarily devolved
upon the Principal in connection with the prosecution of
the Endowment of the University and in view of the fact
that his health had been thereby impaired the Trustees
should request the Principal to rest, and travel for a few
months, and should set apart the sum of two thousand
dollars for his travelling and other expenses. The Principal,
consented to act upon the wishes of the Board, and
towards the close of March set sail for England, intending
from there to sail for South Africa, New Zealand and
Australia, returning to Canada by way of China, Japan
and Vancouver. It was further decided by the Board
of Trustees at their annual meeting in April to pass the
following resolution. That the Board of
Trustees desire to record their sense of the

[image: morrocan lamp]

