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3 revisions
Khufu at Jul 25, 2022 09:46 PM


[image: letterhead Queen's University Crest: SAPIENTA ET DOCTINA STABILITAS]

on his duties in this University October 4th, 1842: Carried
from this hall to his last resting place, October 1st, 1895.
Erected by the students, 1895:96."

The following resolution
was passed by the Board of Trustees, and sent to
Dr. Williamson's nearest relations.

"The late Dr. Williamson,
Vice-Principal of the University and Professor of
Astronomy was singularly dear to the members of the Board,
so many of whom remember him as he friend of their
student days and of their after life. No words can express
our sense of the beautiful, spiritual and inspiring life which
he spent beside us. He was beloved and revered by all
connected with the University, in which he was for
fifty three years a commanding figure and to which
he was a tower of strength. In the early years he carried
the burden almost alone and with splendid and
unfailing unselfishness and devotion, he at one time or
another occupied almost every chair in the University and
often two or three chairs at a time. He accounted it
sufficient reward that he lived to see the days of prosperity,
and great was his joy when foward steps were taken, and
to the very end, as shown by his generous legacy, his heart
was bound up/in the welfare and interests of the University.
For years also he was a member of this Board,
and by his wise counselling, did much in that position
to advance the cause which he so greatly loved.
Full of years and honours he has gone to his reward."

[image: morrocan lamp]



on his duties in this University October 4th, 1842: Carried from this hall to his last resting place, October 1st, 1895. Erected by the students, 1895:96."

The following resolution was passed by the Board of Trustees, and sent to Dr. Williamson's nearest relations.

"The late Dr. Williamson, Vice-Principal of the University and Professor of Astronomy was singularly dear to the members of the Board, so many of whom remember him as he friend of their student days and of their after life. No words can express our sense of thebeautiful, spiritual and inspiring life which he spent beside us. He was beloved and revered by all connected with the University , in which he was for fifty three years a commanding figure and to which he was a tower of strength. In the early years he carried the burden almost alone and with splendid and unfailing unselfishness and devotion, he at one time or another occupoed almost every chair in the University and often two or three chairs at a time. He accounted it sufficient reward that he lived to see the days of prosperity, and great was his joy when foward steps were taken, and to the very end, as shown by his generous legacy, his heart was bound up/in the selfare and interests of the University. For years also he was a member of this Board, and by his wise councilling, did much in that position to advance the cause which he so greatly loved. Full of years and honours he has gone to his reward. .."
