The Domesday Book Of Queen's University (Volume 1) 1839-1900 p.249-1193

The Domesday Book of Queen's University was established by Queen's Trustees in 1887, at the suggestion of Chancellor Sanford Fleming, to record the names of the university's benefactors and the main events in its history, which were to be written into the book every year. The book was kept up to date by Professor James Williamson and his successors, Librarian Lois Saunders and Professor Malcolm MacGillivray, until 1924, by which time the innovation of annual Principal's Reports (begun in 1916) rendered it unnecessary. The book takes its name from the original Domesday Book, a survey of England taken by William the Conqueror in 1086. The items to be described are the two handwritten volumes of the Book.


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Synod, a fraternal letter to the Ministers and Congregations there, requesting their cordial co-operation and effective aid; and finally, the Synod recommend to the brethren who shall be engaged in this work to use their best exertions to stir up parents, possessing the means, to confer upon their sons that higher education which Queens College was founded to give, and to consecrate to the work of the Ministry such of them as afford favourable indications of piety and talents, that the main design of this Institution may be secured, - the preparation of young men for the Ministry of our Church."

The recommendation of the Synod, and the visits made during the summer at the request of the Trustees by Professors George and Weir in the West, Professor Williamson in the East, and the Revd George Macdonnell in the Maritime Provinces, were so far successful in calling for the liberality of the friends of the College, that ultimately about [pounds] 3500 of the purchase money was derived from the source.

On 7th February, 1854 Professor Williamson and Smith and Mr. Andrew Dummond were appointed

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by the Executive Committee of the Trustees to confer with the Medical Practitioners of Kingston with a view to the establishment of a Medical School in connection with the College, and a joint meeting was thereafter held for the purpose in the house of the Honble John A. Macdonald. The matter having been fully considered, on the 7th March a deputation of the Medical men of the City, consisting of Drs. Sampson, Dickson, Stuart and Strange, waited on the Trustees and presented a communication on the subject, when it was resolved, before taking further action, to correspond with the Committee already referred to, appointed at the last General Meeting to consider the best method of opening up the Faculties of Law and Medicine, so as to ascertain their views: And At a special General Meeting held on 2nd August the Board of Trustees resolved on the recommendation of the Committee to "give power to the Executive Committee to appoint Lecturers in Medicine for the several branches, such Lecturers, until the circumstances of the University shall warrant the appointment of permanent Professors in that Faculty, to constitute a Board of Examiners on the Report of which the Senatus Academicus may have the power of conferring Degrees upon the Students;

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it being provided, that the Executive Committee shall have the superintendence of the Lecturers, and that their emoluments shall be derived solely from the fees of the Students in the respective Classes, and any funds which may hereafter be received for the special Endowment of a School of Medicine.

It was also resolved that the Executive Committee should be authorized to procure a separate building for the accommodation of the Medical Lecturers, containing two rooms, and an Anatomical Room or Museum, and to make the requisite disbursements for this purpose, with the addition of [Pound symbol] 50 Curry. for the purchase of Drawings and other illustrations of their Lectures, such dibursements in all not to exceed the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds Curry.

The following were the Graduates of the Academic year 1853-54.


John Lindsay B.A. Ormeston James McEwen B.A. Ireland James Gordon B.A. Nelson


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B.A. William Wood Squire Stanstead C.E. Thomas Miller Flamborough West James A. F. McLeod Kingston Donald Macdonald North West Scotland Asa F. Wallbridge Clarke C.E.

The Honorary Degree of B.A. was conferred on Mr. Neil Dunbar Teacher, Smith's Falls, formerly an Alumnus of the University.


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Displaying pages 51 - 55 of 945 in total